What a great weekend it was! Friday night and Saturday morning was very exciting for us as we (Paula and I) took and passed a concealed weapons course. Saturday morning we had the opportunity to go to the range in Boothbay and shoot many rounds with a 40 Caliber Glock. What a blast (pun intended!) After that we packed the kids and drove to Millinocket to visit the good folks at Tri Town Baptist Church. We had a great time on Sunday! It was a blessing to preach the Word of God! Sunday morning I preached out of the book of Revelation chapter 2 and the letter to the Church at Pergamos. The Lord gave me full liberty to preach and it went very well. After the morning service we ate lunch with the church family (boiled dinner.....mmmmmmmmmmm). Once we left there we drove to Baxter state park and took pictures of Mt. Kahtadin. It was a very special time for us as a family. Sunday night I preached out of the 78th Psalm. It was a message of encouragement for us, knowing that whatever the problem "God Can" take care of it.
I am looking forward to Wednesday night and hearing Pastor Jeff Faggart (founder of the Baptist History Preservation Society) preach the Word of God! I am hoping to spend some time with Brother Faggart and his family later this week.
Here's the thought for the day.....God does not need us, He is the "Self Existant One". God, however, chooses to use us. Let Him use you today.
God Bless!
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