"From This Zion"
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Oxford Fair and beyond!
Praise God for the great summer He has given us! Last week we had the opportunity to work the Fishers of Men, International booth at the Oxford county fair. What a great week! We passed out @2,000 to 2,500 tracts during the four days. We had opportunities to witness to dozens and dozens of people with many re-committing and seven precious souls trusting Christ as their Saviour! What a blessing!
Special thanks to Brother Steve Elliot who set up the tent, trained the workers and staffed the tent every evening.
Thanks also to the following who helped staff the tent:
Paul Bragg - Bryant Pond Baptist Church
Fred and Ledena Seger - Bryant Pond Baptist Church
Marybeth Hoover - Bryant Pond Baptist Church
Paula Jones - Bryant Pond Baptist Church
Pastor Gary Wilkins - Standish Baptist Church
Pastor Witham - Liberty Baptist Church, Poland
Pastor Carl and Alice Morrison - New Heights Baptist Church, Bridgton
Thank you to all who prayed for us this week. Now...I can't wait till next year!
Browns to Montana
Browns to Bozeman from Phillip Brown on Vimeo.