What a blessing the last few weeks have been to me!
On Memorial day I had prayed to the Lord for more preaching opportunities. Oh, did he answer!
I had the opportunity to travel with my wonderful family to East Millinocket, Maine to preach at Tri-Town Baptist Church on the 5th of June. What a blessing that was! The Lord gave me great liberty to preach and it was a true blessing! My entire family had a great time with those great folks. (BTW, thank you to the Stanley's who hosted us for the delicious lunch). At the end of the day I was presented with a very generous love offering. Oh, how the Lord knows how to take care of His own! This love offering covered the shortfall that my bread business has suffered. Additionally, on the way home we stopped in Newport at the Burger King for some supper. While there I bumped into Pastor Chuck Barnes from Second Baptist Church in Palermo, Maine. During the course of the conversation I was invited to preach on July 10 and 17. Wow! God truly is good!
On the evening of the 5th Pastor Wiley and his family left town, headed for a couple weeks rest in Oklahoma. I had opportunity to preach at Church Hill Baptist Wednesday night, Saturday for a graduation ceremony (congratulations Amanda Thompson!), Sunday for "graduate appreciation Sunday), the following Wednesday, and then again on father's day! All great experiences!
On Saturday the 18th I went soul-winning with Hal and Jacob Harris and Gary Partridge. We had the opportunity to lead five precious souls to Christ! God gives the increase! He is so faithful!
Through the time that Pastor and family were gone, we had the opportunity to minister in situations that we never had dealt with before. Did I mention how good God is? How he helped! I am learning more and more that I have absolutely no knowledge or power in my own self, but we serve a God who has never-ending knowledge and power! I am so undeserving of all that God is doing! I praise His holy name! I sure am glad that God specializes in taking the unusable and making them usable!
We are entering quite a busy time of summer for us at Church Hill Baptist.
Sunday June 26 we are hosting the Weaver family, missionaries to Scotland. They are literally leaving for Scotland after the morning service.
Monday June 27 - Friday July 1 Heritage Baptist Bible College is offering a one week class in Baptist Distinctives. Dr. Ryan McGuire and family will be arriving on Monday and Brother McGuire will be teaching the class. Brother McGuire is pastor of Bluestone Baptist Church in Clarksville, VA. You may know Brother McGuire for his documentaries on Baptist History.
Sunday July 3 will be a fellowship Sunday to get our water bottles ready for distribution in the Independence Day parade in Augusta.
Monday July 4 at 4pm, Church Hill Baptist Church will have the opportunity to pass out 8,000 water bottles at the parade through downtown Augusta. Each water bottle will have a "God's Simple Plan of Salvation" tract. We are praying that God will us this outreach effort to reach more precious souls!
Tuesday July 5, Pastor Jeff Faggart and family arrive for the week. Brother Faggart will be studying and preparing for the 2012 Baptist History tour which is taking place in Maine. What a blessing the Faggarts have been to our ministry.
July 10th we will be having another fellowship Sunday so we may get ready for vacation Bible school which will be taking place from Monday to Friday.
After vacation Bible school I will begin preparing to teach "New Testament Survey" at HBBC.
Wheeeeewwwwwww, busy month. Oh, yeah, it's also the busiest time of year on the bread route.
Well, it is a true blessing to be busy about the Lord's business. He is so good and I am so undeserving of Him!