It's summer in Maine and what does that mean? Revival season has begun. This week it is Barter's Island Baptist Church. At Barter's Island Baptist Church it is Dr. Ronnie Simpson preaching the revival. What a great service tonight! After some hearty singing we heard some good old-fashioned "hell-fire and damnation" preaching! At the close of the service, after an old-fashioned altar call (Praise God there are still churches that do altar calls!), a lady came forward and trusted Christ as her savior. The message, which was titled "When God leaves town", was the kind that made you want to go forward and get saved again. The text was John 12:31-41. In this passage the Lord Jesus Christ left them and hid himself. What a scary thought. Praise God for this preaching.
Next week it is Bible Baptist in Unity. The revival services run Sunday to Wednesday and Pastor James Wiley (my preacher!) will be preaching each service. This revival week is in preperation for the chartering service on July 11. What a blessing to see Bible Baptist in Unity charter! Bless God it excites me to see churches planted in Maine! This also means that I will have a chance to preach Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night! Praise the Lord! God is good all the time!