I praise God for all He is doing in our lives! What a blessing it is to serve the Lord!
After a very busy July (and early August) we have slowed just a little bit. I have had the opportunity to do some guest preaching, which I have enjoyed greatly.
On July 10th and 17th I preached at Second Baptist Church in Palermo for brother Chuck Barnes. I just love to preach the Word of God!
August 14 we spent the day at the historic Bryant Pond Baptist Church in Bryant Pond, Maine. It was a fantastic day, with the Lord giving me full liberty in the pulpit. We had a great time with the Brother Cal Fuller and his wife Melba. What a wonderful, Godly couple they are.
Services at Church Hill Baptist Church have been awesome all summer (and I'm not just saying that because of the air conditioning!) The spirit has been great and the Lord has given much fruit this summer! Pastor Wiley has been preaching from the book of John on Sunday mornings, the book of Nehemiah on Sunday nights and the book of Exodus on Wednesday nights. During Sunday school I have been teaching through the book of Ecclesiastes. How great it is to be a member of a church that loves the Word of God this much!
Tonight (Friday August 19) we have our home school kickoff event. It seems early, but the Jones family has already started schooling for the year. Wow! Is it really almost September?
Wednesday August 24 Church Hill Baptist is hosting a training session for Amazing Grace Missions. Be at the church at 5pm for this important training for the Lichfield fair.
Saturday morning August 27 at 7:15 am we will be departing Church Hill Baptist for the town of Sedgewick. Be sure to have your 1805 garb on as we go to pose for a historic painting. In 1805 the Reverend Daniel Merrill, a congregationalist pastor in Sedgewick, submitted to believers baptism. He was followed by 64 church members. Thus was born the First Baptist Church of Sedgewick, Maine. I won't say any more than what I have already said, I don't want to give away any secrets, but it is an exciting opportunity to reenact this historic event.
That is all for now. Please continue to pray for the Jones family. We appreciate the prayers as God continues to move in mighty ways!
God is good all the time!