"From This Zion"
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Vacant Waldoboro church
Here is another example of a church that has closed it's doors. Every time I see one of these former churches it makes me very sad. I am encouraged by the recent movement in Maine. Independent Fundamental Baptist churches are being planted throughout the state and it is very exciting. Seeing pictures like this should stir your soul. What are you doing to help spread the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ? Maybe this old church will again hold old time style meetings where the hymns are sung and the preaching of the Word of God will bring conviction and change lives. Are you prepared for it?
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Lord is moving!
Oh, how I praise the Lord. He is moving in a tremendous way in my life. I had the opportunity to be "Pastor for the day" on January 31. What a thrill it was to be able to teach adult Sunday School and preach on Sunday morning and night. I am so glad that the Lord places such a distinction between preaching (Isaiah 58:1, Jeremiah 1:10) and teaching. The teaching of God's word is a very good thing. We all definitely need good solid Bible teaching. There is something very special about preaching. We need preaching. We need to hear the man of God open up that blessed King James and preach "The Word of God Declares....!" Preaching has authority. When I became serious about serving the Lord he instilled in me a love for preaching. Instead of the wicked "Christian" contemporary music I was listening to, he opened my eyes and my heart to the preaching of the word of God. The Lord placed me in a church where the preaching of that old King James Bible is the #1 ministry. When someone asks me about Church Hill Baptist, the first thing I tell them about is the preaching. Yes, I love the music ministry where the good old hymns of the faith are played and sung with passion. Yes, I have a deep love for all of my church family. But it is the preaching that is the greatest thing about Church Hill Baptist. Having the opportunity to listen to great preaching is a precious gift from the Lord. Being called to preach the blessed Word of God is beyond my wildest dreams. Like my previous post "I'd rather have Jesus" than anything this world offers.
Yes, the Lord is moving in my life. I just can't wait for what is to come.
Yes, the Lord is moving in my life. I just can't wait for what is to come.
Browns to Montana
Browns to Bozeman from Phillip Brown on Vimeo.