Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bryant Pond Baptist Church 2012 Vision

Our vision for 2012? Reaching for the next towns. We need to not be satisfied with evangelizing Bryant Pond, but we need to get into the next towns. Our little town (around 800 people)needs to hear the gospel, of course! The entire Oxford county area is gospel starved and we have the answer!
Here is the vision for 2012:
-weekly soul winning / visitation
-weekly bus visitation
-youth ministry (not youth group, but ministry)beginnings
-preacher boys club (where young men and old alike meet together to learn and then preach to each other, praying for God to call men to the ministry)
-ladies ministry beginnings

Our vision is to put the programs in place for God to bless. We cannot just sit on the side and pray for God to send people, we need to go out and get em!

We are excited for what God will do through Bryant Pond Baptist Church in 2012!

Browns to Montana