A Brief Baptist History Of Origins
By Dr. Larry Landis
At one time all Baptists rejected the idea that Baptists are Protestants and at one time all Baptists believed that we sprang from the first church established by Jesus Christ while He was on this earth. The greatest theological minds among Baptists have always taught that the first church was a Baptist church; that all early apostolic churches were Baptist churches; and that originally all churches and Christians were Baptists. The greatest Baptist scholars, theologians and historians have believed and taught that the Baptist church was established by Jesus and His disciples upon the foundation laid by John the Baptist.
In 1894, Edward T. Hiscox wrote the New Directory for Baptist Churches. In this book, which for over 100 years has been a standard among Baptists, on pages 492-493, Hiscox wrote:
"Baptists have a history of which they need not be ashamed--a history of noble names and noble deeds, extending back through many ages, in which the present generation well may glory. From the days of John the Baptist until now, a great army of these witnesses for the truth, and martyrs for its sake, has illumined and honored the march of Christian history. The ages since Christ have known no purer, nobler lives, no braver, more faithful witnesses for the Gospel of Christ, no more glorious martyrs for its sake, than many of those who honor us by being called "our fathers in the faith".
In 1880, the great Baptist historian, author, lecturer, theologian and preacher, J. R. Graves, wrote in the foreword and dedication to his monumental work, Old Landmarkism:
"This little work is dedicated and it's dissemination throughout the denomination committed to every Baptist brother and sister and especially my brethren in the ministry and of the press in America, who love those principles for which our Baptist Fathers for 18 centuries suffered cruel mockings, bloody stripes, imprisonment, and martyrdoms . . ."
The well-respected Baptist apologist, J. M Carroll, whose book The Trail of Blood has been printed continuously since it was copyrighted in 1931, and whose numbers now reach well into the millions, says simply that it is "The History of Baptist Churches from the Time of Christ, Their Founder, to the Present Day".
In 1912, D. B. Ray authored the coveted treasure, Baptist Succession, a Handbook of Baptist History and in the preface, Dr. Ray wrote, "Baptists have, with one voice denied any connection with the Romish apostasy, and claimed their origin, as a church, from Jesus Christ and the apostles".
David Benedict, pastor of the Baptist Church in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, wrote his classic A General History of the Baptist Denomination, in 1813. All throughout the over 1200 pages of his monumental work, Mr. Benedict asserts that the Baptist denomination of his day was most assuredly the same as the church started by Jesus Christ Himself while He was on earth. He is most emphatic to state that the original church was a Baptist church.
Another venerable author, the Englishman William Jones, wrote The History of the Christian Church in 1812 and stated flatly, "the Waldenses were Baptists". These ancient people and their churches existed from the early 1300's to the beginning of the eighteenth century. This statement, at its worst, proves that Baptists have believed in their ancient existence. The Baptist ancestors of the Waldenses lived in the mountains of Piedmont in Northern Italy and France since from early in the second century A;D.
Yet another author, Charles B. Stovall, in his book, Baptist History and Succession, says:
"It will be seen that the Baptists claim the high antiquity of the commencement of the Christian church. They can trace a succession of those who have believed the same doctrine and administered the same ordinances directly, up to the Apostolic Age."
M. M. Munger, in his book, Baptist Churches from Jerusalem to North America, wrote:
"The intention of this little work is to show that from the time of Christ, beginning while He was on earth, the church of Christ has not failed to exist down to this present year of 1926. We have chosen this line of history as being the most simple and direct; Jerusalem, Rome, Britain (now Wales), to the North American colonies. . .Baptist church perpetuity is a proven fact."
And, of course, the testimony of the venerable G. H. Orchard, the great English Baptist wrote prior to 1855, A Concise History of Baptists from the time of Christ their Founder to the 18th Century.
Perhaps W. A. Jarrel said it best when he wrote in his book, Baptist Church Perpetuity or History in 1894, "the Baptist movement in history has always been back to the New Testament ... then it was about 150 A.D. that the first Baptist protest was raised by the Montanists".
Credible Baptist historians and theologians have both believed and taught that there is a direct link from the days of Christ and His apostles to the Baptist church of today. Though called by other names (i.e. Waldenisians, Novationists, Dontatists, Montanists, Paterines, Cathari, Paulicians, Arnoldists, Henricians, Albigenses, etc.), true Baptists subscribe to the idea that originally all churches were Baptist churches. Baptists who deny this historical position and indisputable fact are of modern origin and thought. Certainly they do not reflect the doctrine of church (Baptist) perpetuity as was so universally believed among Baptists of previous generations.
These, along with countless scores of others, have been faithful to the end to proclaim the "tenets" of our faith and the glorious history of the Baptist church. Although basically passed from church to church, this belief was argued vehemently as early as 1640 when William Kiffin, who for sixty-one years (1640-1701) pastored the Baptist church in Devonshire Square in London who wrote an essay defending the Baptist position of exclusion at the Lord's Table (Communion).
But do not think for one moment that Baptists have arrogantly propagated this opinion of themselves alone. Many of our adversaries and detractors have also testified as to the antiquity of the Baptist faith. Some, who out of the hatred in their hearts for these people called Baptists, have unwittingly given credibility to our illustrious history.
Roman Catholic Cardinal Stanislaus Hosius, President of the Council of Trent in 1524, said, "Were it not that the Baptists have been grievously tormented and cut off with the knife during the past twelve hundred years, they would swarm in greater number than all the Reformers." This Roman Catholic Cardinal in charge of anathematizing Bible believers acknowledged that the Baptists had existed as far back as 324 A.D.
Even the principal Lutheran historian, Johann Laurenz von Mosheim, wrote, "Before the rise of Luther and Calvin, there lay secreted in almost all of the countries of Europe persons who adhered tenaciously to the principles of modern Dutch Baptists."
The Edinburgh Encyclopedia, a Presbyterian publication, speaking of Tertullian who was born just fifty years after the death of the Apostle John states:
"It must have already occurred to our readers that the Baptists are the same sect of Christians that were formerly described as Ana-Baptists. Indeed this seems to have been their leading principle from the time of Tertullian to the present time."
Other renowned scholars and writers, some knowingly, some cluelessly, have lent their support to the notion that the original church of Christendom was a Baptist church.
Heinrich Bullinger (1504-1575), the aide and successor to the reformer Zwingli admitted that as contrary as the doctrine was, this doctrine of the Baptists persisted from the days of the Apostles.
Peter Allix, the learned scholar and historian of the Church of England, "furnishes us a list of thirty-three errors charged against this people by the Jacobite priest Raynerius" from his work first published in 1690.
Rainerius Saccho was a thirteenth century monk and sworn enemy of the Waldensian Baptists.
Famed English scientist, Sir Isaac Newton, wrote, "The modern Baptists formerly called Anabaptists are the only people that never symbolized with the Papacy." He thus admits that the beginning of this illustrious group of Christians began sometime before the Roman Catholic system.
Testimonies to this fact can also be extracted from the writings of such great minds as those of Professor David Masson of Edinburgh University (1822-1907); William C. King, editor of Crossing the Centuries; Robert Barclay the Quaker theologian (1648-1690); and Alexander Campbell, founder of the Churches of Christ.
Respected American educator and historian, John Clarke Ridpath, a Methodist, and professor for sixteen years of what is now known as De Pauw University said, "I should not readily admit that there was a Baptist Church as far back as A.D. 100, although without doubt there were Baptists then, as all Christians were then Baptists."
Perhaps the most excellent testimony to the antiquity of the people called "Baptists" comes from the very unlikely source of Doctors A. Ypeij and J. J. Dermout, Chaplain to the King of Holland. In 1819 these men received a royal commission to prepare a history of the Dutch Reformed Church. This history, prepared under royal sanction, and officially published, contains the following testimony to the origin of the Baptists:
"We have now seen that the Baptists, who were formerly called Anabaptists ... were the original Waldenses ... On this account, the Baptists may be considered as the only religious community which has stood since the days of the apostles, and as a Christian society which has preserved pure the doctrines of the gospel through all ages. The perfectly correct external and internal economy of the Baptist denomination tends to confirm the truth, disputed by the Romish Church, that the Reformation brought about in the sixteenth century was in the highest degree necessary, and at the same time goes to refute the erroneous notion of the Catholics, that their denomination is the most ancient."
From the pages of the Bible, the New Testament in particular, we are able to prove that the "tenets" of our faith began with John the Baptist and Jesus Christ Himself. We are able to establish that Baptists for centuries have laid claim to be the original church, the one started by Jesus on the foundation set by John the Baptist. And, even though many of these men hated the Baptists they have attributed the beginning of the church to the Baptists.
"From This Zion"
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Are you a baptist or a Baptist?
As I write this I am listening to a great sermon on Baptist history. It was preached at Southwest Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, OK by Bro. Dave McCracken. If you go to www.history.landmarkbiblebaptist.net and look in the upper left hand side of the page for this Baptist sermon. As I listen the question comes to my mind "are you a baptist or a Baptist?". Some may not understand what I am asking. Here it is in a more simple language: do you believe that the Baptist church is THE New Testament church? Do you believe that the Baptist church was borne out of the reformation? Do you believe that Baptists are "protestants"?
For many years I was a baptist. I did not really know why I attended a Baptist church, besides "that's where I have always gone". Over the last three years I have learned a lot about the Baptist church and why I am a Baptist.
Here are the scriptural answers to the questions above:
1. The foundation of the Baptist church was Jesus Christ himself. When Jesus was baptized, he was not just baptized by any old person. He was baptized by John the Baptist. Jesus Christ walked over 60 miles from Galilee to Jordan (Matthew 3:13) to seek the baptism of John the Baptist. In Matthew 3:16-17 we see that God the father and the Holy Spirit were all "well pleased". Jesus Christ was baptized by immersion (note in Matthew 3:16 he "went up straightway out of the water") by John the Baptist. I would further note that John was not given the title Baptist because he baptized people, this title was given of God (John 1:6). Jesus Christ was baptized by a Baptist.
2. Jesus Christ called his 12 apostles and the original church was born. In Mark 3:7 we read that a "great multitude" followed him. Jesus Christ had many followers. We then read that Jesus Christ called 12 out of the multitude and ordained them. Note that the Greek word for church is ecclesia or "a called out assembly". Jesus Christ called out the apostles, who were all not only baptized believers, they had the "baptism of John" (Acts 1:21-26). Many, many people believe that the church was started at pentecost, but that is not so. The church had began with the calling out of the 12 apostles. Note that in Acts 2:41 we read "and there were added unto them about three thousand souls." Understand that in the Word of God there are no wasted words whatsoever. The words "unto them" are very important. Unto who? Unto the Baptist church. The church began before pentecost and it was a Baptist church.
So again I ask, are you a baptist? or are you a sold out, blood bought, soul winning, separated, sin hating, shouting glad, independent fundamental Baptist?
Do you want more information? You can go to www.history.landmarkbiblebaptist.net
I am a Baptist!
For many years I was a baptist. I did not really know why I attended a Baptist church, besides "that's where I have always gone". Over the last three years I have learned a lot about the Baptist church and why I am a Baptist.
Here are the scriptural answers to the questions above:
1. The foundation of the Baptist church was Jesus Christ himself. When Jesus was baptized, he was not just baptized by any old person. He was baptized by John the Baptist. Jesus Christ walked over 60 miles from Galilee to Jordan (Matthew 3:13) to seek the baptism of John the Baptist. In Matthew 3:16-17 we see that God the father and the Holy Spirit were all "well pleased". Jesus Christ was baptized by immersion (note in Matthew 3:16 he "went up straightway out of the water") by John the Baptist. I would further note that John was not given the title Baptist because he baptized people, this title was given of God (John 1:6). Jesus Christ was baptized by a Baptist.
2. Jesus Christ called his 12 apostles and the original church was born. In Mark 3:7 we read that a "great multitude" followed him. Jesus Christ had many followers. We then read that Jesus Christ called 12 out of the multitude and ordained them. Note that the Greek word for church is ecclesia or "a called out assembly". Jesus Christ called out the apostles, who were all not only baptized believers, they had the "baptism of John" (Acts 1:21-26). Many, many people believe that the church was started at pentecost, but that is not so. The church had began with the calling out of the 12 apostles. Note that in Acts 2:41 we read "and there were added unto them about three thousand souls." Understand that in the Word of God there are no wasted words whatsoever. The words "unto them" are very important. Unto who? Unto the Baptist church. The church began before pentecost and it was a Baptist church.
So again I ask, are you a baptist? or are you a sold out, blood bought, soul winning, separated, sin hating, shouting glad, independent fundamental Baptist?
Do you want more information? You can go to www.history.landmarkbiblebaptist.net
I am a Baptist!
Browns to Montana
Browns to Bozeman from Phillip Brown on Vimeo.