Friday, January 13, 2012


It's been a great couple of days for the Jones family! We had a good service on Wednesday night at Bryant Pond Baptist Church. The spirit was sweet and we had great prayer time. I preached on the call of God from Galatians 1:15-16. After two weeks in a row preaching out of Galatians 1:14, we actually made it through two verses.
Yesterday we hunkered down for the snowstorm. The Lord gave great study time and I am "fired" up about preaching Sunday. I will be starting a series on "fire" in the Bible. It has already been a good study.
After I shoveled and snow-blowed, we had some family time. We played some video games together and they discovered their daddy could still impress! yes, these are games where you physically move and the game uses your movements to control the character. Much different than the ole Atari 2600 I had when I was their age.

Today there will be more snow clean up, then a trip to the big city of "Pohtland". Looking forward to what God has in store for us this weekend!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Trailer for sale and other good news!

Well, it has been quite a few days for the Jones family. We had a fantastic weekend at Bryant Pond Baptist Church! We have been praying for our van ministry to become a "vans" ministry or a bus ministry. Well, we were just a couple of people away from a full van. Praise the Lord! This is a great "problem" to have. We had the opportunity to pick up a rider from Rumford. This lady was just saved on Christmas day at the New Heights Baptist Church. What a blessing it is to see her being fed with the Word of God. What a wonderful day Sunday was.
God is sure blessing the Bryant Pond Baptist Church. Wow! It's great to see!

In "other news", God has moved us to close up shop at "Jones Quality Foods". This move will allow us to put our entire focus on the mission at and through Bryant Pond Baptist Church. To be fully "ministry supported" is exciting. I am thrilled to be able to put my full effort into the ministry.

Oh, the trailer.....well, we don't need a trailer any more so it is listed on craigslist and uncle henrys. We have already had some interest on it (on the first day)so if you want it, please act fast (smile).

New to Bryant Pond Baptist starting in January / February:

Scheduled weekly bus visitation.
Scheduled weekly soul winning.
First ladies event.
First youth event.
The "Separate Baptist Preacher Boy's Society".

Also, our first special preaching meeting is tentatively scheduled for April 22-25 with Dr. Ron Caudill preaching for us every night.

How about a camp meeting? There seems to be much interest throughout the state and it would be fun!

Well, that is it for now.

Browns to Montana