"From This Zion"
Friday, December 23, 2011
New Tracts!!!!
Our new tracts arrived today! Glory! I am a very patriotic person and I love the flag theme.
We had the opportunity today to do some visiting of our members today. We stopped in to see one of our ladies that can't make it out much. She is a blessing. What a spirit she has in that 92 year old body. We also delivered a new King James Bible to Kody (the 14 year old young man that got saved on Sunday night). We then went to the nursing home to visit a couple more members. It was a good visit and I look forward to many more.
I did see one thing that made me very mad. Inside the nursing home is a full rack of Seventh Day Adventist materials. That wicked doctrine would lead them to believe that if they are saved, they can lose their salvation. What a crime! Those saved folks in that nursing home deserve to rest in the fact that no man can take their salvation away (John 10:28). Please pray that someday there would be a great big Baptist display there.
Well, thank you for all of your prayers for us. The Lord sure is good!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Praise God! Two saved tonight!!!!!
We had our children's Christmas play at Bryant Pond Baptist Church and two young men got saved!!!!! Praise the LORD!!!! Caiden and Cody! How exciting to know that there are two more that the devil won't get! God is good!!!!!!
Browns to Montana
Browns to Bozeman from Phillip Brown on Vimeo.