"From This Zion"
Monday, July 23, 2012
July Update
Wow! I guess it's been a long time since I have updated this blog. It has been a great couple of months. The Lord has blessed and my family and I have been having a great time. Here are some of the highlights:
We had a Sunday afternoon service at the old East Bethel Meetinghouse on June 24. It was a very good meeting and the Lord blessed. It was powerful to meet in that old Baptist meetinghouse. Many "visitors" were there and they heard the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ preached.
That following Tuesday night we loaded up the van and travelled to Bridgton for an old fashioned tent meeting with the New Heights Baptist Church. It was a great time and it was exciting to bring a full van load to be there.
July 4 we had a morning service followed by a cookout. The Lord blessed the morning as tried something new with this morning service.
In the evening we travelled to Church Hill Baptist where I had the opportunity to preach. What a great service that was!
Both my church family at Bryant Pond and my church family at Church Hill spoiled my family as it was Paula and mine 17th anniversary. What a blessing to have such great people around us. The generosity is amazing.
On July 8 we hosted missionary church planter Phillip Brown and family (minus the children) and he preached and presented for us. What a great work the Lord will do with them in Bozeman, Montana.
On July 21 we marched in the parade for the Mollyockett Days festival in Bethel. WE passed out 500 bags of candy with gospel tracts and VBS invites. Next year we will prepare ove 3,000. We ran out early. Not again!
The absolute highlight of the last two months is a lady by the name of Thelma. Thelma trusted Christ as her Saviour on Saturday the 21st of July. What a joy it is to see the Lord still in the saving sinners business! (shouting fit here Wooooooooooo Hooooooooooo!)
Now we prepare for our annual VBS. "Let's Celebrate" is our theme and we run from August 6-10 from 6-8pm. Please pray that we have a good turnout and most importantly, that the Lord will save souls through this ministry.
We thank you all for your prayers. The Lord is stirring here in Bryant Pond, we praise His name!
Browns to Montana
Browns to Bozeman from Phillip Brown on Vimeo.