Monday, November 26, 2012

Busy in the Lord!

It has been a very long time since I have updated my blog. Thank you to everybody who has hung tight with us despite the long layoff between posts. Things have been busy here at Bryant Pond Baptist Church. The Lord has given us good services over the last two months and we are thankful for that. In October we conducted "operation saturation" and were able to distribute door-hangar bags with John/Romans, Bible tracts and invitations for our church. We successfully canvassed all of Bryant Pond. We are trusting the Lord that He will use this in His time. At the end of October we hosted missionary Larry Strout. We have been supporting his ministry in Argentina for decades. Yes, you read that right, decades. He and his wife Melissa have been on the mission field since 1974. Their ministry is preaching the gospel, church planting and training up local pastors for those churches. Brother Strout is often asked when he will be retiring. His answer, "Well, we have another church we need to plant in...." what a great answer! He is not looking at retiring it, he is looking at re-firing it! This month we have been very busy doing some work projects at the church. We are now finished with our foyer and it came out very good. We are now praying about putting everything in order to begin the big work on the church building. Please continue to pray for us about these decisions. This work will literally cost tens of thousands into the hundreds of thousands of dollars for our church. It all starts with a good foundation. (kind of applicable to life...huh?) We are looking forward to hosting the December Plant and Root Maine rally meeting on the 11th at 7pm. We hope to see you there. Well, that is it for now. Remember, if there is ever anything we can do for you, please contact us at God bless!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Oxford Fair and beyond!

Praise God for the great summer He has given us! Last week we had the opportunity to work the Fishers of Men, International booth at the Oxford county fair. What a great week! We passed out @2,000 to 2,500 tracts during the four days. We had opportunities to witness to dozens and dozens of people with many re-committing and seven precious souls trusting Christ as their Saviour! What a blessing! Special thanks to Brother Steve Elliot who set up the tent, trained the workers and staffed the tent every evening. Thanks also to the following who helped staff the tent: Paul Bragg - Bryant Pond Baptist Church Fred and Ledena Seger - Bryant Pond Baptist Church Marybeth Hoover - Bryant Pond Baptist Church Paula Jones - Bryant Pond Baptist Church Pastor Gary Wilkins - Standish Baptist Church Pastor Witham - Liberty Baptist Church, Poland Pastor Carl and Alice Morrison - New Heights Baptist Church, Bridgton Thank you to all who prayed for us this week. Now...I can't wait till next year!

Monday, July 23, 2012

July Update

Wow! I guess it's been a long time since I have updated this blog. It has been a great couple of months. The Lord has blessed and my family and I have been having a great time. Here are some of the highlights: We had a Sunday afternoon service at the old East Bethel Meetinghouse on June 24. It was a very good meeting and the Lord blessed. It was powerful to meet in that old Baptist meetinghouse. Many "visitors" were there and they heard the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ preached. That following Tuesday night we loaded up the van and travelled to Bridgton for an old fashioned tent meeting with the New Heights Baptist Church. It was a great time and it was exciting to bring a full van load to be there. July 4 we had a morning service followed by a cookout. The Lord blessed the morning as tried something new with this morning service. In the evening we travelled to Church Hill Baptist where I had the opportunity to preach. What a great service that was! Both my church family at Bryant Pond and my church family at Church Hill spoiled my family as it was Paula and mine 17th anniversary. What a blessing to have such great people around us. The generosity is amazing. On July 8 we hosted missionary church planter Phillip Brown and family (minus the children) and he preached and presented for us. What a great work the Lord will do with them in Bozeman, Montana. On July 21 we marched in the parade for the Mollyockett Days festival in Bethel. WE passed out 500 bags of candy with gospel tracts and VBS invites. Next year we will prepare ove 3,000. We ran out early. Not again! The absolute highlight of the last two months is a lady by the name of Thelma. Thelma trusted Christ as her Saviour on Saturday the 21st of July. What a joy it is to see the Lord still in the saving sinners business! (shouting fit here Wooooooooooo Hooooooooooo!) Now we prepare for our annual VBS. "Let's Celebrate" is our theme and we run from August 6-10 from 6-8pm. Please pray that we have a good turnout and most importantly, that the Lord will save souls through this ministry. We thank you all for your prayers. The Lord is stirring here in Bryant Pond, we praise His name!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Powerful 300th Service!

We had a very powerful service marking the 300th anniversary of the First Baptist Church of Cape May Courthouse. God moved and the people were heavily encouraged. Praise God for how He can break through despite the shortcomings of the preacher. Please pray for this church. They have been looking for a pastor for over 3 years.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

PastorMatthewJones' photostream


Pictures from my trip to visit the churches that my great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather, Nathaniel Jenkins preached at. This will include First Baptist Church of Cape May Courthouse, NJ where they are celebrating 300 years.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We Will!

We will be having a service at the old East Bethel Meetinghouse on Sunday June 24 at 2pm. This is a facility that was used only one time last year for a service. Will the Lord prosper this meeting? I do not want to limit "the Holy One of Israel" (Psalm 78:41) We will approach this trusting God and saying "He can". Praise God for the advancement of the Gospel!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

North Paris Baptist Church

As it looked in 1904 and now today. The church now exists as the North Paris Federated Church. This is another part of our local Baptist history.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Will we.....

These two meeinghouses are both on the Intervale Road in Bethel. The one with the steeple is the Middle Intervale meetinghouse, built in 1816. The other is the East Bethel meetinghouse, built in 1830. They are both Baptist meetinghouses and they are both in great condition and they are both sitting empty. I have contacted the Bethel Historical Society about possibly holding religious meetings in one of these meetinghouses. Pray that God's will be done.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Baptist History Tour 2012

All I can say is Wow! What a week. I had the opportunity to meet many new friends, fellow laborers for the cause of Christ. I had the opportunity to learn more about the Baptist history in the state of Maine than I ever thought possible. I had the opportunity to have my soul stirred. Here are the thoughts that are currently running through my head (in no specific order) If Isaac Case would walk from Massachusets to Maine in January (cold enough to cross the Kennebec river on the ice)just to follow the leading of the Lord, what am I doing? I mean what am I truly doing? I have this blog, I have email, twitter, facebook, cars, planes, trains...... what am I doing? Elder Case is credited with helping plant over 300 churches in our region of the world, back in the days where you walked or rode a horse through the woods. What kind of devotion is that which would spur a man to such lengths to see the lost saved? Why am I not doing more? If Daniel Merrill were willing to literally lose everything which he had worked for, (the biggest church in Maine, the love and adoration of his town, the security of his family), simply for doctrine, why am I sometimes hesitant to speak up when these issues are brought up? Elder Merrill studied the Scriptures and found that he must be a Baptist, for that is what the Bible teaches. Did he keep his new-found knowledge to himself? Not hardly. He preached a seven message series on Scriptural Baptism and, himself submitted to believers immersion, as the Scriptures command. For his bravery, the Lord allowed 65 others to follow, constituting the First Baptist Church of Sedgewick, Maine in 1805. His risk was for doctrine.... Where is that devotion to docrine today? Why is it that there is an increasingly bigger crowd advising to stretch grace to it's limits and decide "what doctrines we can live without"? If George Dana Boardman was willing to say goodbye to his family until they would meet again in heaven, to see the people of Burma receive the gospel, why are we sometimes unwilling to simply spend a few hours knockng on doors in our own community? If Adoniram Judson was willing to stay committed to the Lord's work in Burma despite burying two wives and six children on that foreign shore, why do we experience some minor financial setback and act like it's the end of the world? These men all endured afflictions as good soldiers of Christ. We have no idea what kind of suffering these men went through to proclaim the gospel of Christ. I must ask myself, as well as all others in the service of the Lord, is there a price that is too high to pay to serve the same God that gave us eternal life? This week has challenged me in ways I thought not possible. Servants of God, Baptist brethren, we must carry on with all we have. Will there be trials, yes. Will there be difficulties, yes. Serve God! Serve God! Serve God! With all we have! I cannot begin to list the great people I had opportunity to fellowship with this week! I laughed, I cried, I shouted! Now it's time to get to work...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

What a week!

What a week at Bryant Pond Baptist Church! We had our revival services April 22-25 with Dr. Ron Caudill preaching. Sunday School we were challenged on the captve mind. We are to bring our minds into captivity to the Lord. On Sunday morning Dr Caudill preached from Joshua 20 on the cities of refuge. How wonderful it is that we have a city of refuge in the Lord Jesus Christ! Sunday night we were challenged on our day to day development. Monday night we learned about why Daniel was a "man greatly beloved". Tuesday night we learned about a Godly conscience. Wednesday night we were challenged about what makes great faith. I will tell you that the Lord moved in each service and I know that hearts were touched. The Holy Spirit had free reign in these meetings. Praise God! Now we are looking forward to the Lord's day when we will have our special 4pm youth service. So far we have 2 testimonies, 13 music presentations and 4 young men preachng. I believe that we will have the old meetinghouse packed out! Don't miss it!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

What a happy resurrection day!

What a blessed day here at Bryant Pond Baptist Church! Started our day at 7am going on the van to pick up our van children. Arrived at church at 7:32 for our 7:30 Son Rise service (not good when the preacher is late). Glad the church forgave me! LOL. Had a great Son rise service then breakfast together. Biscuits and gravy,sausage, pancakes, egg casseroles, muffins, coffeecake, fresh fruit. Son.....I tell ya!
It was then back to church for 9:15 Sunday School. Then was the 10:30 morning worship service. We had good attendance all morning with 29 for the early service and 25 for Sunday School. We had 57 in our morning service.
Praise the Lord for a young man that trusted Christ as his Saviour. Hallelujah! What a great service.
We then had a wonderful service tonight with a good crowd and a good spirit. The Lord helped.

I am throughly believe that God is moving in Bryant Pond and I am so glad to be a part of what He is doing!

What a day! I am so blessed to be living the life of a Pastor. God is good!

Monday, April 2, 2012

April update

Whhhhheeeewwww, it' been a very busy few weeks since I have updated, but what a great few weeks.
We have had some very powerful services over the last few weeks at Bryant Pond Baptist Church. This Sunday we had good attendance in the morning and evening, with good liberty to preach. I believe that God is helping some folks, I know He is helping me!
Last week was the youth service at Church Hill Baptist. What a blessing to bring my new church family to meet my old church family. They were all very encouraged and blessed by the powerful service. Our young people are not just the church of the future, they are the church of now as well. God has a plan for each and every one of us right now, if we would only get out of the way and let Him work.
We have had some unexpected blessings over the last few weeks as well. I was given a lot of like-new clothes that just happened to fit perfectly. What a blessing that was. I now occupy more of the closet than my wife (smile).
Our church was given a brand new wireless microphone system by another church. This filled a real need that we had.
God has helped us to sell our pickup truck. It was a great truck, but with diesel prices at $4.29/ Gallon (and higher) and high payments, this truck had to go.

Please pray for our upcoming Easter services. While many churches are cutting services short, we are having a Son-rise service at 7:30 followed by breakfast, then Sunday School at 9:15, Morning worship at 10:30, and our evening service at 6pm. We already have some from other churches that will be with us. I gave our church "homework" to each invite one person. Please pray for a full house as the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ will be preached.

April is a busy month. Please pray for the Ladies conference on April 13-14 at VBC in Londonderry, NH.
Also, please pray for our revival services with Dr. Ron Caudill from April 22-25. The services on Monday and Tuesday nights start at 6:30 pm.

April 29 is the "youth service" at 4pm at Bryant Pond Baptist Church. We will be hosting Church Hill Baptist Church, Bible Baptist Church of Unity as well as others (that I have not confirmed 100% as of yet).

Please continue to pray for our house to sell. We have lowered the price, but still have not received one call. We need this house to sell. God knows.

I think that is it. Thank you all for your prayers and your encouragement. God is good and He is moving in Maine, and in Bryant Pond right now. Keep praying, amen!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Rumford, Maine needs a church!

The town of Rumford, Maine needs an independent, KJB Baptist church. Could this be the building that will one day house an IFB church that is on fire for the Lord? Pray for Rumford, Maine!

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Bryant Pond Baptist Nursery

Thanks to Beth Hoover and the Sunday School Children for their work in getting the nursery ready. Got babies? We gotcha covered!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Who is Rev. Ransom Dunham?

As most of you know I am a Baptist history nut. I have recently been able to do some research about Oxford County Baptist history. One name that I have seen very regularly is Ransom Dunham. He was a Baptist preacher throughout Oxford County, Maine for over 40 years in the mid to late 1800's. Ransom Dunham served as pastor of many of the churches of the Oxford Association.
Ransom Dunham was born March 18, 1798. His father, James, was a revolutionary war hero. Ransom Dunham was ordained for the gospel ministry on October 6, 1836 by the Hamlin's Gore Baptist Church.
During the course of his ministry Rev. Dunham began the first Sunday School in the town of Woodstock in 1836. He also served as pastor of the Weld and Carthage Baptist Church as well as the Bryant Pond Baptist Church (as well as others).
When Ransom Dunham graduated to his heavenly reward on January 28, 1883 (age 84 years) he had baptized over 600 persons and seen many others saved by the grace of God.
Reverend Ransom Dunham is one of our Baptist heroes in the state of Maine. Let me now challenge you: who is one of your local Baptist heroes? Do you know of any? I think it's time to learn. Let God stir your heart.
The same God that used Ransom Dunham to do such great work desires to do great works today. Are we ready and willing?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Awesome New Find

This Bible was presented to the Bryant's Pond Baptist Church in 1856, the year the church was constituted. As you can see, the Bible has some mold, but is in good shape otherwise. What a treasure! Yes, it is an Authorized Version!
Believe it or not, I just found this in the parsonage. I guess it pays to open closet doors. It will now be kept in a more temperature stable room.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Great Lord's day at BPBC!

We had a tremendous Lords day today at Bryant Pond Baptist Church. It was very evident right away that the devil didnt want us to have services today. When we arrived at church this morning, the temperature inside the building was 39 degrees. The heater was not working at all. We were blowing fuses left and right. There was an electrical problem with th motor and we were not going to get it going until after the morning service. Well, whattaya do when you can't be in the church building? You make due. We scrambled around and got the fellowship hall ready for the service.

During all of this I was pesonally struggling with some very tough intestinal issues. Wow, the devil was pulling out all the stops. This did not stop us. We had powerful services this morning then again tonight back in the church building What a great day. I truly feel that God moved!

We had 25 in Sunday School (tying for highest this year), 42 in the am service (highest since Jan 1) and 25 in the pm servic (tying for highest this year).

Great spirit all day!

We also were able to utilize our new recording system tonight. It worked perfectly. I will be uploading the message tomorrow.

Praise God for a great day!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Come know it's true!!!!

Bryant Pond Baptist Church's 5000 page view!

5,000 views all-time

This is the graphic on the site stats section on the Bryant Pond Baptist Church website. 5000 views! That is great! Let's see if we can double that in the coming year!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Not Inclusive, eh?

The article directly below is a news story involving my town. Praying in Jesus' name apparently offends some folk. Well, I knew that before reading this article. I will say, however, that this Baptist preacher will not go to the town meeting to announce the "moment of silence". I will not go the town meeting and pray a generic prayer. I pray in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is it. There is not power in any other name.

Traditional Woodstock town meeting prayer not “inclusive,” selectmen told

Feb 09, 2012 12:00 am

A half dozen residents appealed to Woodstock selectmen Tuesday to alter the traditional opening invocation at the annual town meeting to be more religiously inclusive.

For years, the meeting has started with a clergyman from the Bryant Pond Baptist Church offering a prayer and invoking Jesus Christ in asking for guidance in the decisions to be made.

But, said Peter Gartner at Tuesday’s board meeting, “When we meet as a town, there are more than Baptists, more than Protestants, more than Christians living in our community, whether we’re Jewish, or Quaker, or Unitarian, or people who don’t practice religion. They’re all part of our community, and I think it’s important that we recognize that.”

Gartner said he was “also very much aware of the history of invocations at town meetings, throughout 200 years of history,” and he wanted to continue the tradition in some form.

He suggested that as a compromise, a selectman might ask for a moment of silence, “and perhaps ask for thanks for the young men and women who put themselves in harm’s way to protect the very freedoms we’re here to use that night. And secondly, to pray for divine guidance in terms of the decisions that we make as a community, that affect everyone in this community. I think that’s a much more inclusive way to start a meeting.”

Several others voiced similar ideas, and also suggested a moment of silence.

Arla Patch, a Quaker, said inviting one member of the clergy from a different faith each year to open the meeting would be more inclusive, but Woodstock is too small to have that variety of clergy available. She supported instead a moment of silence, for people to pray or otherwise collect their thoughts.

Patch said when she first attended a town meeting years ago, she was “stunned” by the specific invocation. She said she became aware a few years ago that other people were also concerned about the practice.

“We need to create a sense of community,” she said, “where everyone feels they belong, that there wouldn’t be people sitting in the town meeting feeling that it wasn’t their town, or that it wasn’t speaking to them.”

Others speaking in favor of a change to a more inclusive format were Emily Ecker, Gayle Russell and Peter Fetchko.

Longtime resident and former selectman Leon Poland, in commenting on the request, said he could go along with a moment of silence.

But, he said, “I still think we should have open prayer, and if we don’t I don’t think it’s fair. As far as I’m concerned, when we took prayer out of the schools was when the schools started going downhill.”

The selectmen said they would consider the group’s request, discuss options and have a decision in time for this year’s town meeting.

Town Manager Vern Maxfield said after the selectmen’s meeting that the Baptist pastor had routinely been called upon each year because he was generally the most available clergy in Woodstock.

In other business Tuesday, the board received a draft of a “Quiet Zone” ordinance proposal for Bryant Pond Village from Jan Kendrick; heard from several builders opposed to the town considering adoption of the new state Uniform Building and Energy Codes; and discussed possible parameters for inclusion of veterans on a new monument planned for the town.

They planned to discuss those issues and others further at a workshop yesterday (Wednesday), and make decisions/recommendations for town meeting at their next regular meeting Feb. 21.

. .

Our Towns

Monday, January 30, 2012

BPBC / Jones family update 1-30-12

It has been a very busy couple of weeks at Bryant Pond Baptist Church! It is a blessing to be busy in the work of the Lord! As the video below attests to, we had a very fun youth ministry event on Saturday the 21st. We had a good time of games, Bible jeopardy, eating and of course preaching of the Word of God. All in attendance had a very good time. We were very happy with the results, and I believe the Lord was pleased.
That next morning the devil began working. He managed to freeze our well that feeds the church and the parsonage. We had power but no water to either building. This resulted in the difficult decision to cancel services. I worked outside in the -10 degree temperatures to see what could be done about the well, but it was beyond my knowledge. This same morning we also lost heat to half of the parsonage / prophets chamber. The Lord was working at BPBC and the devil was not happy.
Early Monday all the problems were fixed with minimal charges (praise the Lord!) We are very happy that our well pump was fine, as well as our heater. As it turns out we had multiple members that had their water freeze that same morning. I guess that's what -20 at night (not counting the wind chill) will do.
I set in my mind that I wanted to give the devil a black eye for the rest of the week, and the rest of my life. Paula and I had the opportunity to do just that on Monday as we led my 88 year old great aunt to the Lord. She had "the faith" but did not know for sure she was on her way to heaven. She said she was baptized, but when I read her the Bible to show her why we need salvation and what it takes to be saved, she bowed her head and trusted Christ! Hallelujah! The Gospel of Jesus Christ still works!
Tuesday night I had the pleasure of attending my first class of the semester at Heritage Baptist Bible College. "Bible Doctrines 2" covers the doctrine of Jesus Christ and the doctrine of the Holy Ghost. What awesome topics! It is great to see all my classmates.
Saturday we had our first ladies ministry event. My wife was nervous, but from all reports it went very well. Paula has already started working on the next event, Saturday the 25th of Feb.
Sunday services this week were very uplifting. The Lord gave me a hard message on Sunday morning, but it was truly received very well and the Lord helped many a folk. I preached out of Ezekiel 8 and 9, with the key point being in verses 4 and 5 of chapter nine. Would I have the mark or would I have been slain. Tough stuff that causes us to look inward. I was very convicted.
We had a great evening service as well.
We have also been busy visiting many folks in our nursing homes and at their homes. It is great to get to know these precious people.

Sunday night I received an email from the First Baptist Church of Cape May, NJ inviting me to preach there on June 3. They are celebrating their 300th anniversary this year and it just so happens that my great (six times) grandfather, Nathaniel Jenkins, was their first pastor. This is something to look forward to.

I guess that is all for now. Thank you all for your prayers. We love you all!

Friday, January 20, 2012

BPBC update!

Praise the Lord things are busy here at Bryant Pond Baptist Church! We are preparing for our first youth activity tomorrow at 4pm. I pray it will be fun for the children. We are doing games, prizes, pizza and preaching.
Next Saturday the 28th is our first ladies ministry event.
We are looking forward to our first "preacher boys club" meeting in Feburary.
We now have weekly bus visitation as well as weekly door-knocking times on our schedule. Add to that nursing home and member visitation and you gots youself a full schedule! It is wonderful to be busy in the business of the Lord!

Mark your calendars as we will be hosting Dr. Ron Caudill, preaching for us April 22-25.
On July 8, we will be hosting Phillip Brown and family. The Browns are church planters to Bozeman, Montana. For more info on the Browns, look at the video at the bottom of this page.

We have had three different people visiting our church from the town of Rumford. God may be providing us with some specific direction for our "next towns" vision.

Prayer requests: please pray for the sale of our house, as well as or 7 x 16 trailer.

Remember, God is good all the time!

Friday, January 13, 2012


It's been a great couple of days for the Jones family! We had a good service on Wednesday night at Bryant Pond Baptist Church. The spirit was sweet and we had great prayer time. I preached on the call of God from Galatians 1:15-16. After two weeks in a row preaching out of Galatians 1:14, we actually made it through two verses.
Yesterday we hunkered down for the snowstorm. The Lord gave great study time and I am "fired" up about preaching Sunday. I will be starting a series on "fire" in the Bible. It has already been a good study.
After I shoveled and snow-blowed, we had some family time. We played some video games together and they discovered their daddy could still impress! yes, these are games where you physically move and the game uses your movements to control the character. Much different than the ole Atari 2600 I had when I was their age.

Today there will be more snow clean up, then a trip to the big city of "Pohtland". Looking forward to what God has in store for us this weekend!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Trailer for sale and other good news!

Well, it has been quite a few days for the Jones family. We had a fantastic weekend at Bryant Pond Baptist Church! We have been praying for our van ministry to become a "vans" ministry or a bus ministry. Well, we were just a couple of people away from a full van. Praise the Lord! This is a great "problem" to have. We had the opportunity to pick up a rider from Rumford. This lady was just saved on Christmas day at the New Heights Baptist Church. What a blessing it is to see her being fed with the Word of God. What a wonderful day Sunday was.
God is sure blessing the Bryant Pond Baptist Church. Wow! It's great to see!

In "other news", God has moved us to close up shop at "Jones Quality Foods". This move will allow us to put our entire focus on the mission at and through Bryant Pond Baptist Church. To be fully "ministry supported" is exciting. I am thrilled to be able to put my full effort into the ministry.

Oh, the trailer.....well, we don't need a trailer any more so it is listed on craigslist and uncle henrys. We have already had some interest on it (on the first day)so if you want it, please act fast (smile).

New to Bryant Pond Baptist starting in January / February:

Scheduled weekly bus visitation.
Scheduled weekly soul winning.
First ladies event.
First youth event.
The "Separate Baptist Preacher Boy's Society".

Also, our first special preaching meeting is tentatively scheduled for April 22-25 with Dr. Ron Caudill preaching for us every night.

How about a camp meeting? There seems to be much interest throughout the state and it would be fun!

Well, that is it for now.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bryant Pond Baptist Church 2012 Vision

Our vision for 2012? Reaching for the next towns. We need to not be satisfied with evangelizing Bryant Pond, but we need to get into the next towns. Our little town (around 800 people)needs to hear the gospel, of course! The entire Oxford county area is gospel starved and we have the answer!
Here is the vision for 2012:
-weekly soul winning / visitation
-weekly bus visitation
-youth ministry (not youth group, but ministry)beginnings
-preacher boys club (where young men and old alike meet together to learn and then preach to each other, praying for God to call men to the ministry)
-ladies ministry beginnings

Our vision is to put the programs in place for God to bless. We cannot just sit on the side and pray for God to send people, we need to go out and get em!

We are excited for what God will do through Bryant Pond Baptist Church in 2012!

Browns to Montana