Monday, December 26, 2011

What a great Christmas!

The Lord blessed in our Christmas services at Bryant Pond Baptist! On Friday night we had our candlelight service. Our official attendance was 51, just one person away from the record for a candlelight service. (Since 1856) Praise the Lord! We had our first choir presentation, singing "O Holy Night". I look forward to more choir performances in the coming weeks and months. I then preached from John 8 on "Five Witnesses to the Light". Each and every soul there knows why they must and how they can be saved. It was a special service and we managed to not burn the church down! : ' )
On Christmas morning we had a very strong attendance, and I preached out of 1 Thessalonians 4 on "Comfort on Christmas". We have quite a few families that have had a rough year and are struggling through Christmas. Well, we are told to comfort one another with the thought that "if we believe", Jesus is coming back for us!
Glory! The same God who came in Luke 2 will be coming again in 1 Thessalonians 4! Amen, Hallelujah!
On Sunday we had a young family request information on becoming members. (This was an answered prayer if I have ever seen one!)
We also had the parents of one of our van children come to church together for the first time ever. Praise the Lord!

God is moving in Bryant Pond and I am so excited to see what 2012 is going to bring.

Friday, December 23, 2011

New Tracts!!!!

Our new tracts arrived today! Glory! I am a very patriotic person and I love the flag theme.
We had the opportunity today to do some visiting of our members today. We stopped in to see one of our ladies that can't make it out much. She is a blessing. What a spirit she has in that 92 year old body. We also delivered a new King James Bible to Kody (the 14 year old young man that got saved on Sunday night). We then went to the nursing home to visit a couple more members. It was a good visit and I look forward to many more.
I did see one thing that made me very mad. Inside the nursing home is a full rack of Seventh Day Adventist materials. That wicked doctrine would lead them to believe that if they are saved, they can lose their salvation. What a crime! Those saved folks in that nursing home deserve to rest in the fact that no man can take their salvation away (John 10:28). Please pray that someday there would be a great big Baptist display there.

Well, thank you for all of your prayers for us. The Lord sure is good!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Praise God! Two saved tonight!!!!!

We had our children's Christmas play at Bryant Pond Baptist Church and two young men got saved!!!!! Praise the LORD!!!! Caiden and Cody! How exciting to know that there are two more that the devil won't get! God is good!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday December 13, 2011

What a blessing the last few weeks have been. Last week we spent most of our time in Bryant Pond. Services on Sunday the 4th were powerful. Attendance was good and the Holy Ghost moved throughout the service. God is moving at Bryant Pond. We had our first "door to door" visitation this past Saturday (pictured above). It was a good time getting to meet our new neighbors. We had many say "I've heard about you." I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing : ' )
Word travels fast in a small town. Bryant Pond is no different.
We have had many visitors in the services. Please pray that continues.

Prayer needs: please pray for our Christmas services on the 18th (Childrens program) and the 24th and 25th. We anticipate many visitors. A strong, clear salvation message will be preached each service. Pray for souls to be saved. Please pray for our house and business to sell. The business is under contract, but we still have had no calls about the house. It is a tough time of year to sell.

Thank you all for your prayers and may God bless!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Thanks Norma for the wreath making lesson.

Norma Davis, one of our precious members showed Paula and Ashley how to make a wreath. Looks awesome!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Another Step

Well, the Jones family has made another necessary step in our transition to Bryant Pond. This morning we officially said goodbye to our bunnies Fluffy, Snowy, and Princess. It was very difficult to walk into our kitchen and see my girls sitting with the bunnies crying, but it was a necessary step. There was no way to bring them back and forth in the way we bring our dog. Dropping them off this morning, their cages and "stuff" filled the back of the pickup. We knew this day was coming and I have to admit....even I felt a little misty when the girls were crying. "What, no that must be condensation. I wouldn't cry over the bunnies." (smile)
On happier news I had a member express how much they are truly getting out of the preaching. What a blessing to hear that God is using someone like me to make a difference. This is just a testament to the fact that God can really use anybody. (and I am not saying that to be cute, I really praise God that He can use me).
I am looking forward to this Lord's Day as we look to build off the last two weeks.

This past Wednesday night we had a record attendance (highest in our month of Wednesday night services). Sure, it was only 15 people, but that number is going up. I pray that the Lord continues to add to this service weekly.

I had my business cards arrive this week. I look forward to getting the Bible tracts in with the updated information. We continue to look for ways to get the word out that Jesus is still in the "saving sinners" business. That is the only sure business out there. Praise God for His work. I am so thankful that He is on the throne.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Wow! Great Lord's Day!

What a great Lord's day we had at Bryant Pond Baptist Church! It started out at 8:30 am for our Van ride. What a great group of children we have. I believe that God is going to grow that van ministry into a bus ministry, then a buses (plural) ministry. There are many children in the area, and we want them all in Sunday School. One of the children even brought her father! Praise the Lord!
We had many visitors in the morning service. We had 52 total in the service. This is by far the most we have had in any service at Bryant Pond (while we were there). It was a powerful service. God gave great liberty to preach about His power.
At 2pm it was the Ledgeview Nursing Home service. There are many precious souls in the nursing home. What an opportunity to minister. These precious seniors need the Lord Jesus Christ.
We had a sweet spirit in the evening service. I preached on tearing down the high places from 1 Kings 12-17.

Toss in a meeting with the deacons and a personal visit for encouragement and we had a full, but great day. I look forward to the time when we can be there full time.

Please continue to pray that our business and house both sell. God can and God will!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ohhhh, how much we have to be thankful for! God is so good!

It has been a tremendously busy couple of weeks here in Bryant Pond / Chelsea / Pittsfield to Greenville. (smile) Business wise this is my busiest season (along with the 4th of July). This has kept me running quite a bit. We are praying for this business to sell quickly. Pray! We possibly have a breakthrough there!

The house is on the market but we have not had any calls yet. God will move on this, I just know it.

Here at Bryant Pond Baptist Church we wrapped up a busy Wednesday with a 10" snowstorm, a funeral and an evening service. The homegoing service went very well. I praise the Lord that He took control. Please continue to pray for the Verrill family. They have that hope because they know that Harold was saved and many of them are saved as well. There is still grief. "Weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning" (Psalm 30:5) The Lord has helped them and they are a great family. It blesses my heart to know them so much better now.
Our evening service last night may have been sparsely attended, (just my family and two others) but we still had a church service. I still led songs (we sang extra, even a-capella) and I still preached. I had a man tell me after the service how that my series on Thankfulness was like a baseball bat and it was just what he needed and now he is doing something to make a change in his life. Glory! God is good. I am learnng that even when you think you have "laid an egg" as a preacher, if you are preaching what God wants you to preach, it IS having an impact.

Today we will be heading from Bryant Pond to Wiscasset to have dinner with my mom. Then its back to Chelsea for the night, and on the route on Friday, then back to Bryant Pond on Friday night. Whhhheeeewwww, I am glad it is on the Lord's strength not ours!

Praise God! I pray you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! We do indeed have so much to be thankful for.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Whhhheeeewww Busy Week.....

Well, it's been a very busy week for the Jones family. We had great services on Sunday at BPBC. It was a very sweet spirit in both services. Praise the Lord for the way my new church family is taking us in. What a blessing.
Monday it was the bread route. This is taking extra long every time I go, due to stuffing season being in full swing.
Tuesday it was a day of study, getting ready for Wednesday and Sunday. Tuesday night we had great fellowship with one of the families from Church Hill Baptist. Wednesday morning it was unloading the very big load of Goldfish crackers and cookies, then in the afternoon driving to Bryant Pond for our service on Wednesday night. It was a very good service! How wonderful to have a mid week service!
Thursday it was the bread run again.

Today we started the day with a home school ministry trip to the Joshua Chamberlain house in Brunswick. What a great day of learning we had.

In the afternoon we drove to Bryant Pond to minister to a family that lost their father at 2am today.

This coming Wednesday I will be performing my first funeral. Please pray for the Lord to guide me through this time. I will say that the family has been great. I went seeking to comfort them, they spent the time fellowshipping and telling stories.

Praise God for Calvary and the fact that (the deceased was saved and is with the Lord)if you are saved, it's not goodbye, it's goodnight.

Tomorrow morning, I am going on a "half" run to make emergency deliveries to my stores, then driving back to Bryant Pond for services on Sunday.

I love my life. Praise the Lord for all He is doing! I wouldn't trade this for the entire world!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Great first Sunday at BPBC!!!!

Sorry, no pics today but what a great first Sunday at Bryant Pond Baptist Church. We had a very sweet service in the morning. I taught Sunday School from the book of Ecclesiastes and preached from the book of Acts in the morning service.
In the evening I had my first official meeting with the deacons, Brother Steve and Brother Don (two great men!)
The evening service I preached on thankfulness, a message entitled "You want me to be thankful for them?"
Please continue to pray for us. I need wisdom as we plan for the next months.

God is good and we are excited!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

First Van Visitation

What a great time we had on our first van visitation. Thank you to Marybeth Hoover for driving up to join my family and I for the visitation. Praying now that some of the families attached to our van kids will come visit us!

Friday, November 11, 2011

House for sale!

Well, we have just signed the papers and we are officially for sale. Actually, it won't be typed into the system until Monday, but the sign is up, and we even had someone stop to look and ask questions.....after 10 minutes. Pray that our house will move in a timely manner. God is able to overcome anything, so a poor real estate market is no problem for our God!!!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Great First Night at Bryant Pond Baptist Church

What a blessing! We had a good first night at Bryant Pond Baptist! We had a sweet spirit throughout the service and everyone left knowing that they experienced a real blessing! Amen!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

It's not goodbye......

What a great day at Church Hill Baptist today. What emotions are going through me right now. I know that the way I must look at my last day at Church Hill Baptist is "it's not goodbye, it's see you later". That is a correct sentiment. I look forward to serving beside Pastor Wiley and the CHB family as two like-minded churches should. I know that we will have future opportunities to sit in that auditorium and sing the songs of Zion and hear preaching. It's not goodbye, it's "see you later".
It has been a literal flood of tears today, but we know the Lord will knit our heart together with the great folks at Bryant Pond Baptist Church. We look forward to serving the Lord there with zeal and fervor.
To all of our Church Hill Baptist family: we love you all so much! Thank you for all you have done for us and all you have taught us. We will be praying for you as we know that you also will be praying for us.
To my new Bryant Pond Baptist Church family: we are looking forward to joining you and growing together with you! God will guide us to where He wants us to go as a church body.

The picture above was taken this late afternoon before choir practice. Our lives have changed in that building. I know that it is just wood, bricks, metal,shingles, etc....but it will always hold such a special place in my heart. More than the building, the great people that God allowed us to serve with for the past 3.5 years will occupy a special place in my heart. We have laughed togther, cried together (especially today :' ) and served together. We love you and will miss you! It's not goodbye, it's "see you later".

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New Business Card

This was designed by Jay Morris, former intern for Pastor Cal Fuller and now youth pastor of Maplewood Bapist Church in Shenendoah, West Virginia. If you need some design work, let me know and I can put you in touch with Jay.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Its Official!

It is official, I have been voted in as pastor of Bryant Pond Baptist Church by a unanimous vote tonight! Please pray for the Jones family as we now look to do God's will at BPBC! Amen!

Friday, October 28, 2011


What a powerful service we had at Church Hill Baptist on Wednesday night.  It is amazing how the Lord will bring the message that you need the most at the time you need it the most.  This was the case Wednesday night as Pastor Wiley preached “God Will Provide”.  I am looking forward to hearing Pastor preach twice on Sunday.  I don’t care if it snows 3-5 feet, the Jones’ will be at church!!!  What a joy it is to serve in Maine.  I love this state, snow and all! 

This is the weekend that I find out.  I am excited, nervous, sad all at once.  It is a joy to know the God of Heaven wants to use me!!!! 

Pastor Wiley and Pastor Bell are flying to Oklahoma this week to preach at Heartland Baptist Bible College.  The focus of the week is the state of Maine.  Please pray for laborers for our state.  There are so many towns that still don’t have a Gospel witness, but God is moving!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Another Lord's Day at Bryant Pond Baptist Church

It's a beautiful day here in Bryant Pond, Maine! We came a few hours earlier today. I guess we just want to become a little more accustomed to this area. I am looking forward to the Lord's day tomorrow. It's going to be a great day at BPBC!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Its official

What a stirring service tonight! God is so good! I am totally undeserving of what God is doing but I praise His name!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hard to believe!

What a great end to the missions conference! We had great preaching all week and my heart was stirred. Church Hill Baptist is officially supporting the Browns as missionaries to Montana.
Great preaching, great fellowship! What a week.
Tomorrow is the Lord's day and I am excited to see what the Lord does! Brother Dick and myself had some very fruitful visits this morning. We both believe that there will be some visitors in church tomorrow! May the Lord reach these precious souls!

Well....tomorrow is my ordination day. I can't believe that God would even save me, let alone call me to preach His precious gospel! Pastor has always said that if you feel you are ready to be a pastor, you are not ready. Well.....I still don't feel I am ready, but the Lord says "go". I do not know how God can use people like me (with a past, etc....) but I am so glad He does! God is so good! My prayer is that God will use my family and I to make a difference (Jude 22) for Him.

Please continue to pray for our family as we will be back at the Bryant Pond Baptist Church to candidate on Sunday the 16th. We will also be filling in there on Sunday the 23rd. Please pray for God's will to be done in our lives. That is our desire, to do His will not our will.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Soul Food!

Wow! I have been fed this week! Yes, the eating has been good at Church Hill Baptist, but the spiritual food has been tremendous. Tonight Dr. Caudill preached a message "What Has God Called You To Do?" that was such a tremendous help and blessing to me. I am currently uploading it to our site. You can listen at the bottom of this blog.
What a glory it is that God uses such unlikely people for His glory! People like Moses. People like Gideon. People like you and me! Glory! Hallelujah! Amen!

I personally needed to be reminded of that affirmation that it is not based on our talent, it is God working through us. The devil loves to whisper in our ears "you are a fake", "why would anybody ever follow you?", "you are going to fail", etc.... Well..... as I said, I am so glad that my success is not based on my talent, It's all Him! I can't pastor a church. I can't lead a congregation. I can't plan and organize and see churches planted out of my church, but I can be faithful and obedient to God and let Him do His work through me. If we are faithful and obedient, God will give us success! What a blessing! God is so good!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Missions Conference!

Praise the Lord! Missions conferenc 2011 has started! This year our theme is "Making a difference" from Jude 22. Last night we had our annual missions banquet. A good time was had by all. We had a chance to fellowship with the Brown family (church planters to Bozeman, Montana) and our guest preacher, Dr. Ron Caudill (and his wife Jo Ann). I am looking forward to all that the Lord is going to do this week. Remember, services on Monday-Wednesday at 7pm, with suppah' served from 6-6:45 pm.
Lets strive to "make a difference" this coming week!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Ashley's Poem

My Ashley is quite a little poet. Talk about getting a little misty...... wow! I don't know where she got that talent from, but it just shows what kind of a heart she has. God is good! (wiping tear away)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Declaration from the League of Principled Baptists

Independent, Church Planting, King James Bible Believing, Separated, Distinctive, Confrontational, and Militant

A Declaration

Whereas: Young Baptist preachers have become the targets of compromising Protestants and Fundamentalist-Evangelicals. And young Baptist preachers have been lured by money into meetings with the leaders of the so-called “emerging” and “emergent” church. And the independent Baptist leadership has been all but silent concerning the compromise and rampant worldliness of the “emerging” church. Additionally, the independent Baptist leadership has failed, after fair warning concerning Baptist history, heritage and church planting models, to inform young Baptist people of their legacy, or to warn them about the encroachment of the Reformed: We, declare a LINE IN THE SAND, a challenge to return to Baptist principles and models. We declare an empowerment of the 14,000 independent Baptist churches in this country. This group of churches could, if given the proper model, experience revival without compromising the standards of God’s word or embracing the so-called culture of this world.

Affirmations of the League of Principled Baptists

1. The King James Bible is the only rule for faith and practice and is sufficient for all cultural and ecclesiastical needs. It is both preserved and inspired. II Timothy 3:16
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”

2. There should be a resurgence of Biblical preaching that centers on the Bible and proper use of the text. Preaching that is not determined by societal conditions or perceived “relevance.” II Timothy 4:2-4
“Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

3. We advocate a return to the Pastoral Epistles determining the ministry of a preacher, not leadership books, mega churches, and cultural survey results. I Timothy 3:15
-But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth 4:1
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils”

4. We advocate a return to the equipping and training of believers in the doctrines of the faith. I Timothy 4:6
, II Timothy 2:2
“2 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.”

5. We advocate a re-setting of Baptist principles and doctrine above five fundamentals that diminish other doctrine. This includes ecclesiastical separation. I Timothy 1:3
“I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with pure conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day” Titus 1:9
“9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.

6. We renounce worldliness not as cultural, but as rebellion to God and His holiness. This would include areas of dress, music, attitude, and worship. I John 2:15
– 16 “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. Romans 12:2
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. I Peter 1:14
– 17 “1Pe 1:13
Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; 14 As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: 15 But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; 16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.17 And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man's work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear” ITimothy 2:9
“In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array” Colossians 2:8
“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” Col 3:16
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”

7. We maintain that conviction and repentance have been and always will be a present in salvation. Matthew 3:1
, Luke 13:1
– 5 Acts 3:19
“Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; Acts 20:21
“Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ”

8. We advocate a return to the Biblical Baptist model of church planting.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Big Announcement

We had a fantastic Sunday at Church Hill Baptist today. What a day! The Holy Spirit had full liberty and the saints were encouraged, equipped and exhorted! Amen!

So, the news is now "official". We are candidating at the Bryant Pond Baptist Church. Please pray for the Jones family as this is all at once a painful, joyous, exciting, nerve wracking event. I am excited to see what the Lord will do in the future. I know this.... God is moving in Maine and in New England and it is so awesome to be in the middle of it.

Please pray for Church Hill Baptist and my precious Pastor, James Wiley and his wonderful family. We love our church and we love our pastor and his family.

On another note, the Lord used this past week worth of Baptist History lessons to inspire me to put pen to paper much more. Actually it's not pen to paper, its fingers to keys, but you know what I mean. HOpefully you will see more postings here.

Well, God bless and thank you for your prayers!
Please pray for the Jones family. I am candidating at Bryant Pond Baptist Church on October 16 (second visit). Ordination at CHB on Oct 9.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Asking for prayers again

Please continue to pray for the Jones family. I will have more to write very soon, but for now, please pray for us! We appreciate the prayers more than you can ever know!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Looking forward to church tonight! Been a great week with Brother Jeff Faggart teaching one~week class on Baptist History. What a heritage!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Psalm 119:53 "Horror hath taken hold upon me because of the wicked that forsake thy law." Do you feel horror for what awaits the unsaved?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Great study out of Numbers this morning!I desire to have "another spirit" with me like Caleb.(Numbers 14:24).Many spirits saying "you cant".

Friday, September 16, 2011

Whoever says New England is dead just aint been to the right church! Yes, we need more of em' but God's doin' some movin'! Glory!
Wow! Attended "Winning New England for Eternity" church planting meeting last night.All I can say is whoooo! Preachin,singin,shoutin! GLORY!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wow! What a jacket!

"I'll come to church if you wear this jacket." Well, guess Pastor held up his end of the bargain.
Looking forward to a day serving the Lord! Unloading my Pep Farm truck this am, then off to church to study and meet with Pastor Wiley. Tonight its church! Amen

Friday, August 19, 2011

August update

I praise God for all He is doing in our lives! What a blessing it is to serve the Lord!
After a very busy July (and early August) we have slowed just a little bit. I have had the opportunity to do some guest preaching, which I have enjoyed greatly.
On July 10th and 17th I preached at Second Baptist Church in Palermo for brother Chuck Barnes. I just love to preach the Word of God!
August 14 we spent the day at the historic Bryant Pond Baptist Church in Bryant Pond, Maine. It was a fantastic day, with the Lord giving me full liberty in the pulpit. We had a great time with the Brother Cal Fuller and his wife Melba. What a wonderful, Godly couple they are.
Services at Church Hill Baptist Church have been awesome all summer (and I'm not just saying that because of the air conditioning!) The spirit has been great and the Lord has given much fruit this summer! Pastor Wiley has been preaching from the book of John on Sunday mornings, the book of Nehemiah on Sunday nights and the book of Exodus on Wednesday nights. During Sunday school I have been teaching through the book of Ecclesiastes. How great it is to be a member of a church that loves the Word of God this much!
Tonight (Friday August 19) we have our home school kickoff event. It seems early, but the Jones family has already started schooling for the year. Wow! Is it really almost September?
Wednesday August 24 Church Hill Baptist is hosting a training session for Amazing Grace Missions. Be at the church at 5pm for this important training for the Lichfield fair.
Saturday morning August 27 at 7:15 am we will be departing Church Hill Baptist for the town of Sedgewick. Be sure to have your 1805 garb on as we go to pose for a historic painting. In 1805 the Reverend Daniel Merrill, a congregationalist pastor in Sedgewick, submitted to believers baptism. He was followed by 64 church members. Thus was born the First Baptist Church of Sedgewick, Maine. I won't say any more than what I have already said, I don't want to give away any secrets, but it is an exciting opportunity to reenact this historic event.
That is all for now. Please continue to pray for the Jones family. We appreciate the prayers as God continues to move in mighty ways!
God is good all the time!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011

First Baptist Church of Sedgewick

A famous landmark church in Maine...... now in the hands of the historical society.

Oh, God. That you would send a man to Sedgewick, Maine!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Have I mentioned how undeserving I am?

What a blessing the last few weeks have been to me!
On Memorial day I had prayed to the Lord for more preaching opportunities. Oh, did he answer!
I had the opportunity to travel with my wonderful family to East Millinocket, Maine to preach at Tri-Town Baptist Church on the 5th of June. What a blessing that was! The Lord gave me great liberty to preach and it was a true blessing! My entire family had a great time with those great folks. (BTW, thank you to the Stanley's who hosted us for the delicious lunch). At the end of the day I was presented with a very generous love offering. Oh, how the Lord knows how to take care of His own! This love offering covered the shortfall that my bread business has suffered. Additionally, on the way home we stopped in Newport at the Burger King for some supper. While there I bumped into Pastor Chuck Barnes from Second Baptist Church in Palermo, Maine. During the course of the conversation I was invited to preach on July 10 and 17. Wow! God truly is good!

On the evening of the 5th Pastor Wiley and his family left town, headed for a couple weeks rest in Oklahoma. I had opportunity to preach at Church Hill Baptist Wednesday night, Saturday for a graduation ceremony (congratulations Amanda Thompson!), Sunday for "graduate appreciation Sunday), the following Wednesday, and then again on father's day! All great experiences!
On Saturday the 18th I went soul-winning with Hal and Jacob Harris and Gary Partridge. We had the opportunity to lead five precious souls to Christ! God gives the increase! He is so faithful!

Through the time that Pastor and family were gone, we had the opportunity to minister in situations that we never had dealt with before. Did I mention how good God is? How he helped! I am learning more and more that I have absolutely no knowledge or power in my own self, but we serve a God who has never-ending knowledge and power! I am so undeserving of all that God is doing! I praise His holy name! I sure am glad that God specializes in taking the unusable and making them usable!

We are entering quite a busy time of summer for us at Church Hill Baptist.

Sunday June 26 we are hosting the Weaver family, missionaries to Scotland. They are literally leaving for Scotland after the morning service.

Monday June 27 - Friday July 1 Heritage Baptist Bible College is offering a one week class in Baptist Distinctives. Dr. Ryan McGuire and family will be arriving on Monday and Brother McGuire will be teaching the class. Brother McGuire is pastor of Bluestone Baptist Church in Clarksville, VA. You may know Brother McGuire for his documentaries on Baptist History.

Sunday July 3 will be a fellowship Sunday to get our water bottles ready for distribution in the Independence Day parade in Augusta.

Monday July 4 at 4pm, Church Hill Baptist Church will have the opportunity to pass out 8,000 water bottles at the parade through downtown Augusta. Each water bottle will have a "God's Simple Plan of Salvation" tract. We are praying that God will us this outreach effort to reach more precious souls!

Tuesday July 5, Pastor Jeff Faggart and family arrive for the week. Brother Faggart will be studying and preparing for the 2012 Baptist History tour which is taking place in Maine. What a blessing the Faggarts have been to our ministry.

July 10th we will be having another fellowship Sunday so we may get ready for vacation Bible school which will be taking place from Monday to Friday.

After vacation Bible school I will begin preparing to teach "New Testament Survey" at HBBC.

Wheeeeewwwwwww, busy month. Oh, yeah, it's also the busiest time of year on the bread route.

Well, it is a true blessing to be busy about the Lord's business. He is so good and I am so undeserving of Him!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day, One Baptists' Sacrifice

Happy Memorial day everybody! Today is a day which is set apart for the purpose of remembering all those who died in the service of our country. Countless multitudes of soldiers have given the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom we enjoy today. As a Blood-bought Baptist believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, I think of those Baptists who paid the maximum price for us. One example that comes to mind is that of Benjamin Merrill. Mr. Merrill was a prominent Baptist in the North Carolina area under the royal governorship of William Tryon. Governor Tryon hated Baptists. Tryon was an Episcopal (the North Carolina state church in 1771). History tells us of the Battle of the Regulators, or the Battle of Alamance, but it is not widely reported that the battle was much more about stifling the revival taking place through Sandy Creek Baptist Church and Pastor Shubal Stearns. The proponents of the church - state relationship were very upset with the rise of this new group of Baptists preaching a separation of church and state and religious freedom. Benjamin Merrill was one of the Baptists who defended religious freedom and fought taxation without representation. Let's read the historical account of the noble death of Mr. Merrill. Praise the Lord for Benjamin Merrill and all other patriots who gave their life for us.

At the Battle of Alamance on 16 May 1771, the militia under the command
of Royal Governor William Tryon defeated approximately 2,000 Regulators.
It may never be possible to identify all of the Regulators. Many have
been lost to history. Of the six who were hanged at Hillsborough after
the battle, the names of two are no longer known.

Capt. Benjamin Merrell, one of the North Carolina "Regulators"(colonial
patriots opposing British tyranny) was hanged by colonial North Carolina
Governor Tyron, June 19, 1771, helping plant seeds for the Revolutionary
War of 1776. He was thus ahead of Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson and
others in striking a blow for freedom. He went to the gallows with a
song of liberty on his lips. He said he had been converted 15 years
earlier, but had backslidden, yet now felt he had been truly forgiven
and would not change places with anyone on the grounds. He then faced
Governor Tyron's sentence:
"You are to be hanged by the Neck; that you be cut down while yet alive,
that your Bowels be taken out and burnt before your Face, that your head
be cut off, your Body divided into Four Quarters, and this be at his
Majesty's Disposal; and the Lord have Mercy on your Soul." His wife and
eight children were forced to watch, including his youngest, Jonathan,
6, our continuing direct ancestor.
"In a few minutes," he said on the gallows, "I shall leave a widow and
eight children. I entreat that no reflection be past on them on my
account and, if possible, I shall deem it a bounty, should you gentlemen
petition the Governor and Council that some part of my estate be spared
to the widow and fatherless."
One of Governor Tyron's militiamen, deeply moved by his speech, was
heard to say, "If all men went to the gallows with a character such as
Captain Merrell's, hanging would be an honorable death."
Today at Alamance National Battlefield Park near Alamance, NC, off
Interstate 85, a granite monument marks his contribution to freedom,
near the spot he yielded up his life for it.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

What a beautiful song written by Isaac Watts. Isn't it true that all of our worldly cares / pursuits should melt at the cross. This song brings a tear to my eye. I can not understand the love behind the wondrous Cross. When we deserve it least, Christ is reaching down for us to pull us up to Him. Amazing!

1. When I survey the wondrous cross
on which the Prince of Glory died;
my richest gain I count but loss,
and pour contempt on all my pride.

2. Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,
save in the death of Christ, my God;
all the vain things that charm me most,
I sacrifice them to his blood.

3. See, from his head, his hands, his feet,
sorrow and love flow mingled down.
Did e'er such love and sorrow meet,
or thorns compose so rich a crown.

4. Were the whole realm of nature mine,
that were an offering far too small;
love so amazing, so divine,
demands my soul, my life, my all.

Friday, May 6, 2011

One face of compromise.....

"Dear God. Thank you for making me, for creating me, and for loving me. I want to fulfill the purposes that you made me for. Starting today I want get to know you and love you and trust you. And I want my life to bring you pleasure. Thank you for sending Jesus Christ. Help me to understand it more. As much as I know how I want to open up my life to your love and your purpose. In your name I pray. Amen."

What you have just read was the standard Rick Warren salvation prayer. Preceding this prayer (spoken at a prayer breakfast) was a "salvation plea" which never once mentioned sin or being a sinner, never once mentioned redemption or repentance. The speech never once mentioned our need for the Saviour. No, those words are too "negative".

This is what is called compromise. We have no time for compromisers. We have a world to warn of the coming judgement. Like Jonah's "Yet forty days and Ninevah shall be overthrown!"

Separate from compromisers.

This includes Rick Warren.

Friday, April 29, 2011

April update

What a few weeks we have had at Church Hill Baptist Church! The LORD has blessed on so many fronts. He is so good! Weekly soul-winning has been so powerful! I praise the LORD for all He is doing in the city of Augusta. We are seeing souls saved almost every week. Every time we hit the streets, I get more of a burden. Amazing how that works!
We had a tremendous Resurrection Sunday this past week. The choir performed the contada "the Miracle I've Seen" on both Saturday night and Sunday morning followed by amazing preaching from Pastor Wiley. There is true power in the Word of God when preached! Each service at least four people (different ones each service) raised their hand for salvation. That is what it is all about! Amen! Amen!
Brother Michael and his new bride Amber arrived on Saturday fresh off the honeymoon. What a pleasure it is to have them back. He will be preaching at Truth Baptist Church for the next three weeks. What a good opportunity for him.
CHBC is hosting the McFarland's from Oklahoma this week. We are praying God will call this precious young family up this way. Maine desperately needs laborers.

The annual ladies tea is tomorrow. Much hard work has gone into the tea. It is going to be a great time for the ladies (the men helpers get to eat leftovers...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!)

We are almost finished with the remodel of the choir loft at church. Many hands contributed to this effort. It looks awesome.

Revival time is here! Two weeks ago Pastor Nathan Pelkey of Bible Baptist in Unity preached revival at Truth Baptist Church. This coming week Pastor Todd Bell of Calvary Baptist Church in Sanford is preaching revival at Bible Baptist in Unity. Looking forward to hearing Brother Bell "Fling'er down!"
We are now just three weeks away from Brother Sam Davison arriving in Maine to preach revival at Church Hill Baptist Church. I am looking forward to hearing this Man of God preach the Word of God!

May 2, 2011 marks the 400 year anniversary of the King James Bible. Have you spent time in your King James Bible today? If not, click the red "X" in the upper right hand corner of the screen and go and read your Bible!

Friday, April 8, 2011

No turning back...

Luke 9:62 "And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."

We all go through times and seasons where we get frustrated. Perhaps finances are real tight. Perhaps time for leisure and relaxation is getting less and less. Perhaps personal struggles wax great in our heart, causing doubt to creep in. I don't know how your heart is right at this moment, but sometimes we just get .... well .... "fed up".
Our walk with the Lord can sometimes get that way. Read Jeremiah 20 and you will see a Prophet of the Living God getting frustrated.
Jeremiah 20:7 O LORD, thou hast deceived me, and I was deceived: thou art stronger than I, and hast prevailed: I am in derision daily, every one mocketh me.

If even the prophet Jeremiah can get to this point, certainly we can in our walk with the Lord.

I have had a very interesting week. I have had two ministry "firsts" that are .... well .... not the "firsts" that you deisre to experience. To be honest, they were painful experiences. Couple that with true financial pressure, pressures of business, pressures of home life. To be honest, the temptation to look back gets strong at times. It is so easy to say "remember when we could just buy what we wanted. Remember when we had "X" amount of money in the bank. Remember when these events didn't strike so close to home...." You get the picture. You get tempted to look back.

Well, God has a word for this concept of looking back: sin. It is sin to look back at our old lives when God has put us on a new path. When our hands have been placed "on the plough", there is NO looking back. Remember what happened to Lot's wife when she looked back? She became the worlds biggest salt-lick.

Let's be like Daniel and purpose in our heart not to look back. There are lessons to be learned from these painful experiences in life. There are lessons to be learned from the pressures that we face. Perhaps we place too much emphasis on what our hands can "earn" instead of trusting the Lord to provide? I don't know what your struggle is, but we must learn from them. Don't look back.

The thought reminds me of that old song "I have decided to follow Jesus"

I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus.
No turning back, no turning back.

The world behind me, the cross before me.
The world behind me, the cross before me.
Thw world behind me, the cross before me.
No turning back, no turning back.

Friend, if you are serving the Lord, don't look back. Press forward. Keep on plowing for Jesus.
If you are not serving the Lord, why not?

Serve the Lord. Put your hands to the plough and don't look back.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

What a blessing! Had the opportunity to lead an 89 year old catholic lady to Christ today! There's a new name written down in glory! Amen!

Friday, March 18, 2011

John Callender pictures

March 18, 2011

It's hard to believe that it is almost spring. It was over 50 degrees yesterday and I had the opportunity to sit on a rocking chair on the porch. Question: does the fact that I enjoy spending a few minutes on a rocking chair on my porch make me old? Well....

Since my last post there have been a lot of happenings. Through it all I can say that GOD HAS BEEN GOOD TO ME!

Sunday Feburary 27 was my last Sunday at the Barter's Island Baptist Church. We had a great day there. It was sad leaving, but it was time for me to come back home to Church Hill Baptist Church. Please continue to pray for Barter's Island Baptist Church as they are now deep into their search for their next pastor.

It has been great to get a chance to teach the adult Sunday School. I am teaching our way through the book of Ecclesiastes. God has been blessing through my study there. I have the opportunity to preach on Wednesday the 23rd of March. Pastor Wiley will be preaching at the Heartland Baptist Bible College on Tuesday the 22nd. Please pray for him as he pleads for more laborers. The Lord is laying a message on my heart right now and I must be sensitive to His will to "preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee" (Jonah 3:2).

Saturday morning soul-winning has been going on through the winter. Praise God for a small but faithful group that has labored through the cold and the unplowed streets. We have seen many souls saved through this ministry. I look forward to building the number of participants up to canvass the city of Augusta (a.k.a. our Jerusalem). As you go from apartment to apartment and house to house, you can't help but get a broken heart for the lost. There is also something very special in sharing the true Gospel of Jesus Christ in the shadow of the big Catholic stone idol (a.k.a. their "church" building). Open up the Kennebec Journal and view the obituaries any day of the week and you will see souls that have slipped into eternity. Many are Catholic and I wonder if they have ever heard a clear presentation of the gospel in their entire life. WE MUST REACH THEM BEFORE THEY ARE IN THAT SECTION OF THE PAPER, WHEN IT IS ETERNALLY TOO LATE.

Won't you pray that the Lord will give you boldness to witness to those He brings your way?

On a personal note, I continue to learn more about the Baptist preachers in my family tree. I have learned much about Nathaniel Jenkins. I had the pleasure of learning (on Saturday the 12th) about more Baptist preachers in the family. Frank D. Jones was a Baptist pastor of many churches in Maine in the mid 1800's. I have seen his name on a few websites. I am also related to the Callenders. This name is a very active name in the late 1600's and 1700's in New England. Ellis Callender was one of the first pastors of the First Baptist Church of Boston. He was a contemporary of William Screven who planted the first Baptist church in Maine before being kicked out of the district only to settle the first Baptist church in South Carolina. Brother Screvin actually wrote a letter to the First Baptist Church of Boston recommending Ellis Callender to be the next pastor. Ellis had a son named Elisha Callender who was also a pastor at the First Baptist Church of Boston. Ellis also had a nephew named John Callender who was a Baptist preacher in Rhode Island. John Callender chronicled much of the early history of the Baptists in Rhode Island. Do an internet search for Ellis, Elisha, or John Callender and you will get many links. I have not searched them all out yet. Time is precious but what an encouragement when I can steal away for a few moments to do this research. It fires my soul that I am going forth preaching the very same Gospel of Jesus Christ that my relatives preached. What a blessing.

That is all for now.

Please pray for laborers. Maybe it is you the Lord is talking to about witnessing more?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday Feburary 21, 2011

What a great Lord's day we had yesterday! Barter's Island Baptist Church hosted Pastor Jeff Faggart and his family for the Sunday School, morning and afternoon services. The preaching stirred souls (including mine) as we learned more about our great heritage. Oh, that more children of God would understand about the great heritage they have. Why is our heritage so important? You may ask. We need to know where we came from to fully understand what we are now. Also, we look back and see what great things God has done with the understanding that HE CAN DO IT AGAIN!!!!! (Wow, makes me wanna preach again!!!!)
In the evening I had the pleasure of preaching at my home church, Church Hill Baptist Church. What a blessing it was to preach to my church family. The love they show me and my family is very touching. I preached out of Jeremiah 20 the message "He just couldn't keep his mouth shut!".

I'm looking forward to seeing what the Lord is going to do this week. Normally by now I would be on stop 3 on my bread route, but I am going to go out tomorrow when the weather isn't slippery and when I have had a chance to sleep earlier. I look forward to spending the afternoon with the Jones', the Wileys', and the Faggarts'. I do not deserve all the Lord has done for me.

Meetinghouse at Cape May, New Jersey

Here (bottom) is a picture of the original meetinghouse built by the Baptists at Cape May, New Jersey under the leadership of Pastor Nathaniel Jenkins. This building was constructed in 1715. The current meetinghouse is pictured at the top.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Nathaniel Jenkins presentation

Ashley and Kayla presenting the ministry of their great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather Nathaniel Jenkins.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Baptist Heroes: John Corbly

I have done some study today on the life of Baptist Preacher John Corbly. John Corbly was a man who endured the agony of finding his family brutally maimed and murdered at the hands of a band of indians. Here is the transcript of a letter that Corbly wrote after the incident:
“The following are the particulars of the destruction of my unfortunate family by the savages on the 10th day of May last 1791. Being my appointment to preach at one of the meeting-houses about a mile from my dwelling house, I set out with my loving wife and five children for public worship, not suspecting any danger. I walked behind a few rods with my bible in my hand meditating. As I was thus employed on a sudden I was greatly alarmed by the frightful shriks of my dear family before me. I immediately ran to their relief with all possible speed vainly hunting a club as I ran. When within a few yards of them my poor wife observing me cried out to me to make my escape. At this instant an Indian ran up to shoot me. I had to strip and by so doing out ran him. My wife had an infant in her arms which the Indians killed and scalped after which they struck my wife several times but not bringing her to the ground. The Indians who attempted to shoot me approached her and shot her through the body after which they scalped her. My little son about six years old they dispatched by sinking there hatchet into his brain. My little daughter four years old they in like manner tomahawked and scalped. My elder daughter attempted an escape by concealing her self in a hollow tree about six rods from the fatal scene of action. Observing the Indians retiring, as she supposed, she deliberately crept out from the place of her concealment when one of the Indians who yet remained on the ground espying her ran up to her and with his tomahawk knocked her down and scalped her. But blessed be God she yet survives as dose here little sister whom the savages in like manner tomahawked and scalped. They are mangled to a shocking degree but the doctors think there are some hope of their recovery. When I supposed the Indians gone I returned to see what had become of my unfortunate family whom also I found in the situation above described. No one my dear friend can form a true conception of my feelings at this moment. A view of a crime so shocking to humanity quite over come me. I fainted and was unconsciously boarn off by a friend who at that moment arrived to my relief. Thus my dear Sir I have given you a faithful though short narrative of the fatal castraphe amidst which my life is spared but for what purpose The Great Jehovah best knows. Oh may I spend it to the praise and glory of his grace who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will. The government of the world and its church are in his hands. I conclude with wishing you every blessing and subscribe myself your affectionate though afflicted friend and unworthy brother in the gospel ministry. John Corbly. “

John Corbly continued to preach the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ until his "graduation" in 1805. Despite enduring unimaginable grief John Corbly was faithful to God. He was a man that would heed the charge given Joshua in Joshua 1:9 to "be of a good courage". Oh, that we would have more John Corblys' in this day and age! I praise the Lord for this faithful man of God!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sermon outline "Earnestly Contending"

Earnestly Contend
Jude 1-4, 20-23

Written to: “them that are sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called”

Problem: “Certain men crept in unawares” (lack of spiritual diligence in “letting one slip by”)

Problem: “ungodly men” (lack of spiritual discretion in allowing that kind of man into a position of authority)

Problem: “turning the grace of God into lasciviousness” (lack of spiritual discernment in allowing “license for liberty”)

Problem: “and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ” (lack of spiritual determination in not standing up against Christ deniers”

Modern application of problems:

Modernism is creeping into churches all over the country.

Ungodly men: numerous scandals permeating “churches”

Christ deniers: cults like Jehovah’s (false) witnesses, Mormons….
Also, any “denomination” that believes that we must do something else to be saved…. That Christ did not do it all.

Pentecostals believe that in order to be saved one must be baptized and one must speak in tongues.

Catholics believe that you must belong to their organization.

Many believe that God has selected those who will be saved and selected those that will go to Hell.

Denying “whomsoever will”


1. (verse 20) Spend time in study.

A. Going to church: Heb 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
B. Studying God’s Word: 2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

2. Spend time in supplication: “praying in the Holy Ghost”.

3. Spend time in subjugation: “”keep yourselves in the love of God”.
Joh 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

4. Spend time in surrender: “looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ” Confession to the Lord Jesus Christ.

1Jn 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

5. Spend time in sympathy: “And of some have compassion, making a difference” Work out your faith by showing someone else by your actions.

Jas 2:20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

6. Spend time in soul-warning: “And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire”. We need to be faithful to warn others of what the future holds for those who know not the Lord.

Wow! Lotsa Snow!

Well, guess we are gonna have to broil the steak.......

No Mid week service at Church Hill Baptist

Wednesday February 2, 2011

There will be no Wednesday night service at Church Hill Baptist due to incliment weather.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My daughter playing "He Leadeth Me" on piano.

Thank you for the prayers!

I want to thank all who have been praying for my family over the past week. My father had a nuclear bone test on Monday and has a prostate biopsy today. We may have the results from the bone test today. Please keep praying for my Dad. Thanks again and God bless!


Wow! It's snowing hard and furious. Around 2" per hour. I think we already have more than we were expecting.... Cocoa, anybody?

Friday, January 7, 2011

George Washington the Baptist.

Here is a painting depicting Pastor John Gano, a Baptist pastor from New Jersey, baptising George Washington.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Off to a good start!

I praise the Lord for all He has done! What a great Lords day on Sunday! On Sunday morning at the Barters Island Baptist Church I preached on being a church that loves the preaching of the Word of God. In this day and age many "churches" are replacing preaching with teaching. Oh, they may have slick looking power point presentations but in 1 Corinthians 1 we read "it pleased God through the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe". Effective presentations do not bring conviction. Effective communication is great in many ways, but it is no replacement for the preaching of the Word of God!

After the morning service my family and I drove back home to eat lunch with my precious pastor and his family. What a time of fun, food (mmmmmmmm...... taco ring), and fellowship. What a joy to serve the Lord with my friend, mentor, pastor.

In the evening service at BIBC I preached on the God shaped hole from Ecclesiastes 2. Do you know that even someone who is saved can experience a God shaped hole in their life? It is true, Solomon experienced it and he looked for many earthly pleasures to fill that hole and it was all vanity.....

On Monday I had the pleasure of my wife accompanying me on my bread run. What a great day of fellowship over a truckload of Pepperidge Farm bread.

Today so far the Lord has given me a "pc" message for Sunday morning. I can't wait to preach it and no..... I am not talking about politically correct! I look forward to working alongside my pastor today. God is good! What a start to 2011!

Browns to Montana