"From This Zion"
Friday, December 18, 2009
Are you the man for Edgecomb, Maine?
This old church is located on route 1 in Edgecomb, Maine. It has not been a church for quite a few years now. It is for sale as prime real estate on route 1. What a shame to see this church being peddled for business purposes. There is also another church building (the former Edgecomb Baptist Church) on route 27. Edgecomb needs a man of God preaching right out of the good old King James Bible! Are you that man? Just a note, the building behind the church is a kingdom hall of Jehovah's witnesses. (A.K.A False witnesses). Edgecomb needs Baptist knuckles on every door. Are you the man that God will use to make that happen?
Monday, December 14, 2009
Are you the man?
These images break my heart. The town of Pittston, Maine has no gospel witness. Here sits another old church that is now something other than a house of God. Unfortunately we have so many old churches in Maine that are now antique shops. Let's change this!!! We need a man to preach the gospel in Pittston, Maine. Are you that man? Every town needs an independent fundamental Baptist church! Every town!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Are you the man?
This building is located on route 27 in Dresden, Maine. When I see this I wonder what kind of a church this was? Was there thundering preaching coming from this pulpit? Dresden does not have a Bible-preaching Independent Fundamental Baptist Church. Are you the man God is calling to preach the gospel in Dresden? Dresden needs a Man of God that will open up the good old King James Bible and preach "Thus saith the Lord!" Oh that the Word of God will once again echo through this grand old church building.....
Friday, November 20, 2009
Five steps to peace
These are the notes from my sermon preached Wednesday night 11-18-09 at my home church (Church Hill Baptist Church, Augusta, Maine). My Pastor called me Wednesday morning to ask me if I would be willing to preach that evening since he needed to be home with his ailing wife and children. I jumped at the chance. Here is what the Lord gave me to share....
We all know that as we approach Thanksgiving and then Christmas, well...., things get pretty hectic. How many can identify with this situation: "Oh, No! I burned the pie! The Jones' will be here soon. What am I going to do?" or "I have been looking for this toy for days and everybody's out!" Often times it is easy to forget about that peace that God promises. Maybe you have never been saved, there will be no peace at all. For the child of God, we have peace, but how do we draw upon that peace? How do we experience that peace? As is ALWAYS the case, God's word has the answer for us. In the book of Philippians 4:4-9 the Lord lays out for us 5 steps to peace.
- Verse 4, Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. We need to rejoice in the Lord always. Often times we allow our personal situations dictate how much we praise our Lord. When times are good it is "Hey, Praise the Lord, God is good!". What is on our lips when times are not so good? I know from personal experience that it is easy to praise the Lord when times are good, but when the heat is turned up, it isn't so easy. We need to daily take stock of how good God is to us. Child of God, do you realize that God left the glory of Heaven, put on a robe of skin, walked this dusty earth and then became sin and died on the cross, rising again the third day! He conquered the grave so that we may trust in Him and have everlasting life! If that does not get your shouter working, nothing will! Many remember the song "Count your blessings". That is excellent advice. Take stock of how God has provided in your life. God is so good and we need to rejoice in the Lord alway!
- Verse 5, Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. We need to make sure we are living right in front of all men. When we leave the church, we are on public display for all to see. A child of God ought to be distinct from the world. 1 Peter 2:9 reads But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. We need to be distinct from the world. We are a "peculiar people". Peculiar here does not mean weird, it means to be set apart. We should not strive to blend in to the world. What are your standards? Everybody has standards, are yours Biblical or worldly? When you are shopping in the grocery store and you bump into someone from church, are you hiding anything in your cart? What is your standard for dress? What is your standard for speech? We need to be distinct from the world (Romans 12:2) and let our moderation be known unto all men.
- Verse 6: We need to practice prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. How is your prayer life? Does it consist of "God bless the food, Amen." and nothing else? We all know what prayer is, although there are many, many good sermons on prayer, we all have the basic knowledge. What is supplication? The Greek root means to "petition, beseech, beg". There are times and issues for which we must "shake the gates of heaven". For example, a loved one is lost and on their way to hell. You have been praying for them for quite a long time, but they still don't seem to move at all. Don't give up. Beg God. Beseech the Lord. Pray fervently (James 5:16) and do not give up. In Genesis 32, Jacob did not give up when he was wrestling with the Lord. He held on to God "until the breaking of the day". He so badly desired the blessing that he held on through the night, despite the pain of a dislocated hip. Supplication is a must. Verse 6 also says "with thanksgiving". Don't let your prayers be nothing more than a laundry list of what you need. Thank the Lord for all He has done for you. God does not need our praise and thanksgiving, for even the rocks will cry out if we are silent. God does desire his children to have a spirit of thankfulness. Is that your heart?
- Verse 8: have a pure heart. What do you do when nobody else is looking? What are you setting in front of your eyes? What are you thinking about when you think nobody else is around? The Word of God tells us in verse 8 of Philippians 4 that we should think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, with praise. What does your mind wander to when it is idle? Does that thought meet these qualifications? We need to keep a pure mind and the Lord can help us with that. If we are staying active in our Bible studying (the Word of God does not just tell us to read our Bible, it tells us to study) and our prayer life, you will be able to withstand any temptations that come your way. If you fail to "take heed" you will "fall".
- Verse 9: whatever Biblical counsel you have received, do. If you are reading God's Word daily and you are faithful in your church attendance (if you are going to a solid independent, fundamental Baptist church that preaches and teaches right out of the good old King James Bible) and faithful in your prayer life, you will have no problems with the "do".
If you want the God of peace to be with you. If you desire the peace of God which passeth all understanding, follow these steps from God's word and you will have peace. True inner peace.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Urgent prayer needed
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Wow, God is so good!
Church Hill Baptist has added two great couples over the last three weeks! We welcomed the Mosher family to our church tonight! What a blessing! Praise the Lord we are adding to the church the right way, not by compromise (so prevalent today) but by the preaching of the Word of God!
I had a great blessing attending the New England Baptist Preacher's fellowship this past Monday at Calvary Baptist Church in Sanford. The great folks at CBC spent very considerable time and effort putting on a great event! Pastor Todd Bell was an excellent host, and the preaching from Pastor Jeff Faggart (president of the Baptist Historical Preservation Association) and Preacher Cal Fuller (Saving New England for Eternity ministries) preached the Word of God with POWER!
What a great week, indeed! I wonder what this week will hold! What a joy to serve the Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Where there is no vision, the people perish.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Showers of Blessing........
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Weekly update
Our Sunday school and AWANA programs are now up and running. What a blessing it is to serve in these ministries! These precious children and young adults are the future preachers, preachers wives, missionaries, deacons and general servants of Christ. This past Sunday and Wednesday we welcomed Evangelist Seth Ferguson to Church Hill Baptist. For his Wednesday sermon, you can click on the bottom of this page. For a young man, he certainly brought an old-fashioned fire with him. He is off to Howland, Maine to preach this coming weekend. We wish him very well.
Since we are talking about preaching, I have to say I have never, ever heard a boring sermon here..... Pastor Wiley has been on fire lately and if you have missed any installments of his "But we preach..." series, please download them and listen. Wheeeewwwiiiieeee, talk about fire from above!
We want to congratulate Pastor Josh Lovelace, as he was officially voted in as the Pastor of Truth Baptist Church in Jefferson. Praise the Lord! Woo Hoo!! (Hankie raised in the air!)
Looking forward we have missions week beginning Saturday October 3 with a "meet the missionary" night at 5 pm. Please sign up to bring casseroles and salads. I am getting hungry already (it does not take much). Be prepared to spend the rest of the week with us as the conference goes straight through Wednesday night. We have missionaries and preachers lined up. Look for a blessing and plan to be there!
As for the Jones family, the Lord is moving! We will be making some major changes soon, please pray for us as we enter the next very exciting part of our life! This time we are stepping out of the way and letting the Lord have the reigns. For 37 years I followed me. Now it is the Lord's turn.
Thank you all and may the Lord richly bless you.
Matthew Jones
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Are you a pig or a chicken?
Now, consider your spiritual life. Are you giving the Lord a contribution, or giving yourself a sacrifice? Which is Biblical?
Rom 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Hmmm, God's word answers that question, huh?
So again I ask: are you a pig or a chicken?
Are you giving the Lord a contribution, or providing yourself a living sacrifice? The Lord Jesus Christ condescended to us, endured the shame of the cross for us and died and rose again the third day for us. The least we can do is be obedient to God's word and "present your bodies a living sacrifice". You make the call.........
Thursday, September 3, 2009
New Sermons from Church Hill Baptist
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Church Planting / Assisting update!!!!!
This morning a group from Church Hill Baptist met up with Truth Baptist Church to distribute Gospel of John fliers around the town of Jefferson. With a major help from another Independent Fundamental Baptist Church who sent many members from Connecticut, we distributed over 1100 fliers! That is 1100 families that now have God's Word in their possession.
Speaking of Truth Baptist Church, interim pastor Josh Lovelace has officially announced his candidacy for the full time Pastorship of the Church. Just two months ago it looked as if Truth Baptist Church would be closing their doors for good. Thanks be to Jesus Christ there were a small group of church members that would not give up. This church has had as many as 100 members in the past. They are not talking just about all God used to do among them, they are speaking of what God will do through them. The future is wide open.
Bible Baptist Church of Unity officially moved out of the house of Pastor Pelkey and his family into the community center down town. So far the church that started with just a few family members and a Bible study is now averaging over 30 for each Sunday morning service. They are not growing because they are "giving people what they want" or because they are entertaining the people. They are growing through the preaching of the King James Bible! Praise God for Pastor Pelkey who loves his flock enough to preach to them what they need to hear.
Barter's Island Baptist Church, a church that formerly had a membership of over 100 people has recently seen attendance dwindle to single digits. This church, another Independent Fundamental Baptist Church, attracted the attention of Pastor Todd Bell (Calvary Baptist Church in Sanford, Maine) and his "Next Towns Ministries". Pastor Bell and Pastor James Wiley (Church Hill Baptist Church in Augusta, Maine) paid the church a visit and within a couple of months an Evangelist from North Carolina was on Barters Island ready to preach the Word of God! They recently had a full week of revival services where at least one soul was saved and many people heard the Word of God preached with fire and passion. Pray that this work will continue to grow.
On the island of Islesboro, the Schoppee family continues with their work planting an IFB church on the island. Island Baptist Church represents the only place on the island where people can go and hear the true Gospel preached every week. Please continue to pray for the Schoppee family as they allow the Lord to use them in a very special way.
There is also the work of Pastor Ron Meldrum who is working on planting an IFB church in northern Maine as well as Brother Carl Morrison who is planting another IFB church in Maine.
If any readers know of another IFB church planting effort currently going on please email me at mainefundamentalbaptist@roadrunner.com and let me know.
Please continue to pray for all of these efforts as the Lord moves in Maine in a special way. Please do your part and invite people to your IFB church so they may hear the preaching of God's Word and have their lives changed for eternity.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Righteousness Exalteth a Nation
The Lord loves righteousness. We learn this from many passages in scripture including Psalm 11:7. The America of today is far from a righteous nation. I don't need to go deep to make this point. From abortion to sexual immorality our country is way off the "old paths". In times like this America has always been able to look to the Church of the Living God to be righted. Unfortunately the American churches of today are far from righteous themselves. What has happened to churches? Oh, how liberalism has entered and destroyed the fabric of righteousness. There is no emphasis on holy living anymore. Why? In 1 Peter 2:9 we read "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:". How is a church being "peculiar" if they are attempting to do all of the same things the world is doing? You are very likely to walk into most churches now and see worldly dress and worldly music. Why is that? Does it not say in Romans 12 :2 "And be ye not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Is that so hard to understand? We do not need to do the "Christian" version of what the world is doing (conformed), we need to do what is peculiar (transformed). People ought to be able to look at a Christian and see something very different (peculiar) about them. "Oh, you are such a legalist!" Well, if being a legalist means I love what God loves, then I guess that is what I am. We need to love what God loves, and one of those is righteous living.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Another reason we all need to be soul winners.....
The passing of Mrs. Angel is just another reason we all need to be soul winners. Without trusting in Jesus Christ unto salvation, the lost person would never be able to experience the peace that Mrs. Angel experienced in her last days. This lost and dying world needs to know there is a hope for them through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. A family member dying is always sad, but it does not need to be hopeless. There is hope! Jesus Christ has conquered the grave! We praise His name! We all need to spread the gospel, it truly is the word of life.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Its time to preach again!
It has been a great Saturday as we had the mens prayer breakfast this morning. After that my family and I visited my in-laws to look at a new property in Nobleboro. We then went to Warren to visit my Pastor and his family. What a blessed day! We are so excited to be in his service!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Urgent prayer needed
Thank you and God Bless.......
Saturday, July 11, 2009
One week later.......
We are looking forward to our day on Sunday! We will be in the house of the Lord singing the old hymns of the faith and "amening" some great preaching. I am looking forward to teaching Sunday School for the combined 5-12 grade group. I am looking forward to the next time I get to preach. I don't know when that will be, but I pray it will be soon. I am backing up on my "preach" and I gotta get some outta me! Praise the Lord for putting that "preach" in my soul of souls!
Monday, June 29, 2009
July 4th is coming......
The lunchtime hour was great fellowship. It was followed by a very moving event. Church Hill Baptist Church prepared 8,000 bottles of Poland Spring water for distribution at the 4th of July parade in Augusta. The bottles have gospel tracts in baggies rubber banded to them. We also included invitations to our Vacation Bible School. What a moving afternoon indeed. Our prayer is that Augusta will partake in the water and read the tract so they can receive the water of life!
What a blessing it is to serve with such a great group of Godly families! We all came together and the Lord blessed our efforts. Please pray for people to be saved as a result of this outreach. If one person trusts Christ as their savior as a result of this, it will all be worth it! Actually, being obedient to the Lord makes it all worth it. We may not know until we reach Glory whether or not the tracts made a difference. We cling to God's promise that His word will not return void. Amen!
Praise the Lord for my church family!!!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
What a great God we serve!
I personally just finished our annual inventory at the store. This had me working 116 hours in a one week period. I praise the Lord for my wife's helping hands throughout the week and I also praise the Lord for Pastor Wiley who, despite the busy week, made time to call me periodically to make sure I was ok. Oh how the Lord blessed me in my time of need. He is so good to me.
Please keep both Truth Baptist Church in Jefferson and Bible Baptist Church in Unity in your prayers.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Awana closing ceremonies
On the right hand side of this blog you can see a slideshow of the closing ceremonies. Enjoy.
"Tiller the killer" shot and killed while acting as usher at church on Sunday morning.
I don't feel bad for Tiller, I do feel bad for the thousands of babies that he killed. The shooter, however, should have let God have his vengeance. In Hebrews 10:30-31 God tells us "For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." He was an evil man, but it is not our job to take the law into our own hands. That being said, the unborn babies of Kansas are safer today. Tiller the Killer is gone.
Monday, May 18, 2009
God is so good to me!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The burden for Maine ......
With one stroke of the pen our Governor John Baldacci signed "Same Sex Marriage" into law. I have felt many emotions on this. Anger, disappointment, sadness ....... all valid emotions. The Lord, however, led me to believe we must put these feelings aside. After all, we can not get mad at a lost person for supporting sin. Isn't that what you do when you are lost? We must get angry at sin, but to be angry at a sinner that sins is like getting angry at a skunk for stinking. The real anger, disappointment, sadness all needs to be pointed at the churches of the state. It is the lack of Bible preaching that is missing in all corners of the state that is leaving the doors open for all kinds of immorality and sins. We are currently living in a famine like the one in Amos 8:11. The Word of God is not being brought forth enough! Oh, that more Men of God would step forward to boldly proclaim the truths of the Word of God! We need to get Mainers saved and into good, solid Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches.
There is much work to be done but we can not let ourselves get into a "spiritual rock kicking session". I can say that between Church Hill Baptist Church of Augusta and Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford, there are several families going forth to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the state of Maine. We have the Pelkey family in the Benton / Unity area, the Schoppee family on the island of Ilesboro, and the Morrison family in Rumford. In addition the Lovelace family and the Colburn family will be planting churches in Lewiston and Rockland, respectively. The Lord is moving in Maine right now! Things may look bleak, but God's word will not return void!
I have a deep burden for Maine. We are in a spiritual famine right now but God is moving here! We MUST bring the Word of God back to preeminence in Maine! Who's with me?
Friday, May 1, 2009
When Morning Gilds the Skies
When you begin the day, O never fail to say,May Jesus Christ be praised!And at your work rejoice, to sing with heart and voice,May Jesus Christ be praised!
Whene’er the sweet church bell peals over hill and dell,May Jesus Christ be praised!O hark to what it sings, as joyously it rings,May Jesus Christ be praised!
My tongue shall never tire of chanting with the choir,May Jesus Christ be praised!This song of sacred joy, it never seems to cloy,May Jesus Christ be praised!
Does sadness fill my mind? A solace here I find,May Jesus Christ be praised!Or fades my earthly bliss? My comfort still is this,May Jesus Christ be praised!
To God, the Word, on high, the host of angels cry,May Jesus Christ be praised!Let mortals, too, upraise their voice in hymns of praise,May Jesus Christ be praised!
Be this at meals your grace, in every time and place;May Jesus Christ be praised!Be this, when day is past, of all your thoughts the lastMay Jesus Christ be praised!
When mirth for music longs, this is my song of songs:May Jesus Christ be praised!When evening shadows fall, this rings my curfew call,May Jesus Christ be praised!
When sleep her balm denies, my silent spirit sighs,May Jesus Christ be praised!When evil thoughts molest, with this I shield my breast,May Jesus Christ be praised!
The night becomes as day when from the heart we say:May Jesus Christ be praised!The powers of darkness fear when this sweet chant they hear:May Jesus Christ be praised!
No lovelier antiphon in all high Heav’n is knownThan, Jesus Christ be praised!There to the eternal Word the eternal psalm is heard:May Jesus Christ be praised!
Let all the earth around ring joyous with the sound:May Jesus Christ be praised!In Heaven’s eternal bliss the loveliest strain is this:May Jesus Christ be praised!
Sing, suns and stars of space, sing, ye that see His face,Sing, Jesus Christ be praised!God’s whole creation o’er, for aye and evermoreShall Jesus Christ be praised!
In Heav’n’s eternal bliss the loveliest strain is this,May Jesus Christ be praised!Let earth, and sea and sky from depth to height reply,May Jesus Christ be praised!
Be this, while life is mine, my canticle divine:May Jesus Christ be praised!Sing this eternal song through all the ages long:May Jesus Christ be praised!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Oh that men would praise the Lord
Thursday, April 16, 2009
We Need Revival
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Purpo$e Driven $ham "pastor" sells out support for California's Proposition 8
In a related story $addleback church is officially changing it's name to "Ichabod Laodecian church" and it's new motto is "out his mouth us God will spew, this is surely the church for you". (Ichabod = "the glory has departed, Laodecian church Revelation 3)
How many "churches" across the world have bought into the whole "40 days of purpose" nonsense. We need preachers equipping believers to live lifetimes of purpose. The purpose is to serve the Lord. Is that what Rick Warren's purpose is? We really are forced to question that. It appears that Rick Warren is concerned most about ............ Rick Warren. If he truly loved those around him he would be screaming the truth of God's word from every possible corner. He would be preaching on hell and sin and letting people know there is a heaven, there is a hell, those that trust Christ as Saviour will go to heaven when they die, those who reject Christ as their saviour will go to hell when they die. His popularity on the world stage is no different than the popularity of "America's preacher" Joel Osteen. These "men of God" and all others of their kind are doing so much damage to America. They are propagating the lukewarm Christian life. They are not telling the truth. They are telling people "you are ok just where you are. No change is needed. Where is the true Jeremiah 1:10 preaching? "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant." What has Rick Warren ever rooted out? Maybe the last piece of KFC in the bucket? How about Joel Osteen, has he ever "destroyed" anything? Well, they have both destroyed lives. Because of each of their "preaching" many people think they are ok, only to find otherwise on the last day they are burning in hell for eternity. America needs Men of God all over the country that will open up their Authorized King James Bible and say "Thus saith the word of God" We need to have a missions mind for America to undo the damage these $h$ter$ are causing.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Riding the Bus.....
Praise the Lord for the faithfulness of the Hayward family. What a sacrifice they have made over the years. The Lord will reward them for their work.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Origin of Baptists
Origin of the Baptists
Taken from the book entitled, “Why I am a Baptist” by C. Larkin
Almost all the Anti-papist denominations date, either directly or indirectly, from the Reformation of the sixteenth century. The Protestant Episcopal, Lutheran, and Presbyterian Churches, came from the Roman Catholic Church, and the Methodist Episcopal Church came from the Protestant Episcopal Church.
The Baptists, however, do not date from the Reformation. Though Anti-papists, they are not, in the technical and historical sense of the word, "Protestants," though they have ever protested, and do now protest, against the heresies and abominations of the Romish Church.
Just before his ascension, Jesus said to his disciples:
All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matt 28: 18-20; and Mark adds, He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. Mark 16: 16.
The requirements of this Divine Commission, are:
1. To preach the gospel to all nations.
2. To baptize those who believe.
3. To teach those who believe to observe all things whatsoever Christ commanded.
This the apostles did. That the churches they founded were believed to be composed of regenerated persons, is evident from the fact that they addressed or referred to them as "believers," "saints," "quickened," "the faithful," "the redeemed," "the sanctified," "the saved," etc. The apostolic churches were also independent bodies; that is, separate from the State and from each other, and self governed. They are spoken of individually as, "the church at Jerusalem," "the church at Antioch," "the church at Smyrna." They are spoken of collectively as, "the churches," "the churches of Macedonia," "the churches of Asia," "all the churches."
They are represented as electing their own officers, admitting, expelling, and restoring members, and acting as distinct, independent bodies.
There is a remarkable similarity between the apostolic churches and the Baptist churches of today, in their modes and forms of worship.
The apostolic churches were distinguished for the plainness and simplicity of their worship. "They had no magnificent cathedrals, gorgeously arrayed priesthood, no prescribed ritual, no splendid religious shows, no pomp of music, no parade of images and paintings."
Quietly, and unostentatiously, they met in some "upper room," or other humble sanctuary, to sing, to pray, to read and expound the Scriptures, and to exhort one another to faithfulness in the Christian life.
History of the Baptists
The Baptists claim to have descended from the apostles.
It is true that the line of descent cannot always be traced. Like a river, that now and then in its course is lost under the surface of the ground, and then makes its appearance again, the Baptists claim that, from the days of the apostles until the present time, there have not been wanting those persons, either separately or collected into churches, and known under different names, who, if now living, would be universally recognized as Baptists.
Since the origin of the Baptists, long and eventful ages have elapsed. Some of them were ages of ignorance and darkness. Men were afraid to speak or to write, almost to think. The principles for which the Baptists contended were fiercely denounced as heresy and treason. To speak, was to be hushed in death. Had they not been immortal, all vestiges of them, save in the records of courts and councils, would have perished. Their existence and continuity can be traced down the ages by "the stains of their martyr's blood, and the light of their martyr's fires."
Since the days of the apostles, they have come to the surface in the Novatians, the Donatists, the Paulicians, the Paterines, the various communities of Waldenses, the so-called Anabaptists of Germany, Dutch Baptists, the Baptists of England; and are seen today in the Baptists distributed all over the world.
Dr. Cramp says: "When Luther blew the trumpet of religious freedom, the Baptists came out of their hiding-places to share in the general gladness, and to take part in the conflict."
The Baptists have suffered, in common with other Christian denominations, at the hands of wicked rulers, and of the Roman hierarchy. They have also suffered by themselves for their peculiar views as Baptists, at the hands of Lutherans, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, and Congregationalists; and for no one thing more than their rejection of infant baptism. In Germany they were plundered, thrust into dungeons, banished, and numbers of them beheaded or burned alive. Torture was frequently employed to wring from the sufferers the names and abodes of their associates, or to force them to renounce the faith. In Switzerland, in 1526, it was ordered that if any baptized others, or submitted to baptism (re-baptism, they called it), they should be drowned without mercy. Many Baptist ministers were drowned; and they held their meetings in secret, in the woods, and under cover of the night. Finally, they left the country in large numbers, going to Moravia, where, for a season, they were tolerated; but at length a law was passed expelling them, and they left, some going to Hungary, some to Transylvania, some to Wallachia, and others to Poland.
In the Netherlands, the hand of oppression was heavy on the Baptists. In 1532, three were burned at the Hague. By edicts, published in the following year, all persons were forbidden to harbor Baptist preachers in Holland; and Baptists refusing to recant were to be slain. The torture was constantly resorted to. The victims were stretched on the rack, or thumb-screws were employed, or a similar instrument applied to the ankles. No regard was paid to sex, station, or age. Under Bloody Mary, a good proportion of the martyr blood that flowed was from the veins of Baptists; and many passed to heaven through the fire.
In the early settlements of America, Church and State were united by law, and the Church sustained by taxation and State appropriations in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Virginia; and persecutions against Dissenters were violent and severe.
In 1620 (December 20), the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock, and founded the first colony in New England. They were Independents, or Congregationalists; and on board the "Mayflower," they had made a provision for the support of the church and ministry by taxation. The Pilgrims, or Puritans, did not come to this country to establish religious liberty; they came to establish their own faith, and to exclude all others from their colonies; and they were more intolerant in their colonial enactments against Dissenters than either England or Holland, whence they had fled from persecution.
Roger Williams landed at Boston, February 5, 1631. He had been a minister of the Church of England; but becoming disgusted with its corruptions, he sought a home in the Puritan colony of Massachusetts. But when he found the Puritan Church at Boston still holding communion with the Church of England, he refused to unite with it, and went to Salem. But his sentiments were quite in advance of the Puritans. He boldly preached religious liberty, liberty of conscience, liberty of worship, and declared that the civil magistrate had no right to coerce the consciences of men, nor inflict civil penalties upon men for their forms of religious faith and worship. In January, 1636, he was banished; but his persecutors, fearing that he would establish another colony, determined to send ham back to England; but when the officers went to his home to arrest him, he was gone. He had fled into the wilderness among the savages, who furnished him with a home. "For fourteen weeks," he says, "I knew not what bed or bread did mean." He had made the acquaintance, and secured the friendship of Massasoit, and the Narraganset chiefs, Canonicus and Miantonomoh. By the last two he was welcomed to Narraganset Bay, where he founded the city of Providence. In March, 1639, he became a Baptist.
Though persecuted by others, the Baptists have never persecuted. They have always opposed the union of Church and State. In Virginia, in 1784, when they had almost conquered in their struggle for religious freedom, a compromise was proposed in the form of the famous "Assessment Bill." Every one was to be taxed to support religion; but to have the liberty of saying to which denomination his tax was to be applied. The Baptists saw that this was an alliance of Church and State, and opposing it, secured its defeat.
In Georgia, in 1785, a law for the establishment and support of religion was actually passed, through the influence of the Episcopalians. It embraced all denominations, and gave all equal privileges; but the same year, the Baptists remonstrated against it, sent two messengers to the Legislature, and it was promptly repealed. The first modern treatise ever written upon "Religious Liberty," was by Leonard Busher, a Baptist, in 1614.
The Baptists have not only been the firm friends of "Religious Liberty," but of "Civil Liberty" as well.
Thomas Jefferson had much to do in shaping the government of Virginia, and of the United States. He was not a Baptist, but he was brought up in close relations to them; and about ten years before the Revolution, he attended, for several months, the meetings of a small Baptist church near Monticello, his country seat, and became much interested in their church government; and declared that it was the only true democracy existing in the world; and that he believed it would be the best plan of government for the American Colonies.
A National Constitution for the United States was adopted in 1787. Its provisions were satisfactory so far as they went; but many felt that "Religious Liberty" was not sufficiently guarded. The Baptist General Committee of Virginia, in 1788, expressed their disapproval of this important omission, and, after consultation with James Madison, they wrote to President Washington, saying, that they feared that liberty of conscience, dearer to them than property or life, was not sufficiently guarded in the Constitution. Washington sent a kind and encouraging reply, and in the very next month, Virginia proposed that immortal "First Amendment" to the Constitution of the United States:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Having a Mission Mind for Maine
After Sunday school I had the pleasure to preach to an official crowd of 101 people. This is the highest amount of people I have ever preached to! Glory! I listed five reasons we need to have a missions mind for Maine.
- Most towns don't have an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church.
- Apathy rules most existing Churches.
- Influx of immigrants.
- Non-Biblical and extra-Biblical teaching is on the rise.
- Ethical crisis in Maine.
You will notice the "acrostic" with the first letters spelling out "Maine". I am a simple man so I really need to create mechanisms for me to remember my points.
I had a great time preaching this message that God has laid upon my heart. I was a little nervous at first and I skipped around a little bit more than I planned to, but I think it went well. The feedback was very good. I certainly hope I will get another chance soon!
Sunday night Pastor Wiley delivered a message about the door. Be the watchman at the door of your house. Only let the Lord in. Watch for the Devil trying to get in through the cable, the mailbox, the Internet, the cel-phone.........guard your home.
What a great day in the Lord's house!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Preparing for Sunday morning (I get to preach again!)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
A great Lord's day so far
We had some very special guests in the morning service this morning: the Morrison family (church planters in the town of Rumford) and Pastor and Mrs. Cal Fuller (from "Saving New England for Eternity" ministries). It was a special blessing to have these great families in attendance.
Before church this morning, the Lord woke me up very early and I had some great special time with him. How wonderful it is to be able to have a "prayer closet". It is during these times that the Lord speaks to me the most. I am so thankful for all that he is doing in my life right now. Yesterday my wife had a great opportunity to go to a ladies conference at Victory Baptist Church in Londonderry, NH. It was a great blessing for me to see her have such a great time. I praise the Lord for all of the great churches around us right now.
I am looking forward to the upcoming week as we have a great service tonight, men's institute Tuesday night and the mid-week service Wednesday night.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The Next Towns
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Modernist Preacher
He was an ordained minister, But modern in his views, He preached his fancy doctrine To people in the pews.
He would not hurt their feelings, What'er the cost would be, But their smiles and friendship And compliments sought he.
His church was filled with wicked souls That should be saved from sin, But never once he showed the way, Or tried a soul to win.
He preached about the lovely birds That twitter in the trees The babbling of the running brooks, The murm'ring of the seas.
He quoted fancy poetry That tickled list'ning ears; When sorrow came to some, He tried to laugh away their tears.
His smooth and slippery sermons Made the people slide to hell The harm he did by preaching Goes beyond what we can tell.
He took our Holy Bible, And preached it full of holes, The Virgin Birth, said he, Can't be believed by honest souls.
The miracles of Jesus And the resurrection tale For educated one like us, Today cannot avail.
We're living in an age, said he, When wisdom rules and reigns, When man's intelligence is great And superstition wanes.
He said, we're all God's children Who live upon this earth, No message of salvation, No need of second birth.
His coat was bought with money That he had wrongly gained, For through his lying sermons His wealth he had obtained.
He was just like the soldiers That watched at Jesus' grave, For money in abundance, To them, the people gave.
It was all theirs, by telling What was a sinful lie --- A resurrected Savior, They too, were to deny.
The day at last had come For the minister to die, When to his congregation, He had to say good-bye.
His form lay cold and lifeless, His ministry was past, His tongue with all its poison Was hushed and stilled at last.
His funeral was grand, He was lauded to the skies They preached him into heaven Where there are no good-byes.
Upon the lonely hill, Underneath the shady trees, His form was laid to rest In the wisp'ring of the breeze.
A tombstone was erected With the words; "He is at rest, He's gone to heaven's glories To live among the blest."
His body now is lifeless, But Ah! His soul lives on, He failed to enter in Where they thought that he had gone.
The letters on the tombstone Or that sermon some had heard, Could not decide his destiny, 'Twas not the final word.
He still had God to deal with, The One who knows the heart; While others entered heaven, He heard the word, "Depart".
He pauses for a moment Upon the brink of hell; He stares into a depth Where he evermore will dwell.
He hears the cries and groanings Of souls he had misled, He recognizes faces Among the screaming dead.
He sees departed deacons Which he once highly praised, Their fingers pointing at him As they their voices raised:
"You stood behind the pulpit, And lived in awful sin, We took you for a saint, But a serpent you have been."
Accusing cries -- he hears them. "Ah! you have been to blame, You led us into darkness When you were seeking fame.
"You preached your deadly poison, We thought you knew the way; We fed and clothed you, We even raised your pay.
"You've robbed us of a home Where no tear-drops ever flow, Where days are always fair And the heavenly breezes blow,
"Where living streams are flowing, And saints and angels sing, Where every one is happy, And Hallelujahs ring.
"We're in this place of torment, From which no soul returns; We hear the cry of lost ones, We feel the searing burns;
"Give us a drop of water, We're tortured in this flame, You failed to preach salvation To us through Jesus' name."
The preacher turns in horror, He tries to leave the scene, He knows the awful future For every soul unclean.
But there he meets the devil, Whom he had served so well, He feels the demon powers, They drag him into hell.
Throughout eternal ages His groans, too, must be heard -- He, too, must suffer torment He failed to heed God's Word.
He feels God's wrath upon him, He hears the hot flames roar, His doctrine now is different, He ridicules no more."
The Baptist Challenge - May 1998
Thursday, February 5, 2009
My Journey
For years I put more trust in my "own" abilities (given to me by the Lord, something I have finally given the Lord credit for) in business to lead me where I should go. I am blessed to have a very good job that pays me well and treats me great. Well, the Lord has other plans for me. On October 18, 2008 I finally surrendered to the call of the Lord to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. I realize that I have a lot to learn before I can go off and plant an independent fundamental Baptist Church, but I have been placed in a great church where I have grown exponentially in my faith and Bible knowledge. Pastor James Wiley has taken me under his wing to mentor me and through Church Hill Baptist Institute I am learning at an even faster pace. I wish to preach with the boldness of the early church in the book of Acts. America and especially Maine need this kind of bold preaching. What we don't need is more churches that offer a "back rub" or a "feel good about where you are" message. What we do need is the boldness to proclaim the gospel to all corners, converting unbelievers and teaching believers to live a holy, separated life devoted to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
This blog will chronicle my journey from businessman to preacher, from living for myself to living for the glory of God, from faith in me to faith in the Lord for all things.
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33
The Loss of a Great Man
Browns to Montana
Browns to Bozeman from Phillip Brown on Vimeo.